
{{11}}mail (n.1) "post, letters," c.1200, "a traveling bag," from O.Fr. male "wallet, bag, bundle," from Frankish *malha or some other Germanic source, from P.Gmc. *malho- (Cf. O.H.G. malaha "wallet, bag," M.Du. male "bag"), from PIE *molko- "skin, bag." Sense extension to "letters and parcels" (18c.) is via "bag full of letter" (1650s) or "person or vehicle who carries postal matter" (1650s). In 19c. England, mail was letters going abroad, while home dispatches were post. Sense of "personal batch of letters" is from 1844, originally American English.
{{12}}mail (n.2) "metal ring armor," c.1300, from O.Fr. maille "link of mail, mesh of net," from L. macula "mesh in a net," originally "spot, blemish," on notion that the gaps in a net or mesh looked like spots.
{{12}}mail (n.3) "rent, payment," from O.E. mal (see BLACKMAIL (Cf. blackmail) (n.)).
{{13}}mail (v.) "send by post," 1828, Amer.Eng., from MAIL (Cf. mail) (n.1). Related: Mailed; mailing; mailable. Mailing list attested from 1876.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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