- machree
- machree Irish expression, 1829, from Irish-Gaelic mo chroidhe " (of) my heart," hence "my dear!"
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
machree — [mə krē′, mə khrē′] n. [< Ir mo, my + croidhe (OIr cride), HEART] literally my heart: Anglo Irish term of endearment [Mother machree] … English World dictionary
machree — /meuh kree , meuh khrddee /, n. Irish Eng. my dear. [1820 30; < Ir mo chroidhe lit., my heart] * * * … Universalium
machree — ma·chree … English syllables
machree — məˈkrē, ḵ noun ( s) Etymology: Irish Gaelic mo chroidhe my heart, my dear Irish : my dear … Useful english dictionary
Mother Machree — Directed by John Ford (uncredited) Produced by John Ford … Wikipedia
Mother Machree — tea … Dictionary of Australian slang
mother machree — Australian Slang tea … English dialects glossary
Rocket Squad — Infobox Hollywood cartoon cartoon name = Rocket Squad series = Looney Tunes / Daffy Duck Porky Pig caption = The Rocket Squad title card director = Chuck Jones story artist = Michael Maltese animator = Treg Brown Phillip DeGuard Abe Levitow Ben… … Wikipedia
Maman de mon cœur — (Mother Machree) est un film américain de John Ford, sorti en 1928. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Commentaires … Wikipédia en Français
Neil Hamilton (actor) — Neil Hamilton Neil Hamilton as Commissioner Gordon in the Batman TV series (1966) Born James Neil Hamilton September 9, 1899(1899 09 09) Lynn … Wikipedia