
lunation "time from one new moon to another," late 14c., from M.L. lunationem, from luna "moon" (see LUNA (Cf. Luna)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Lunation — is the mean time for one lunar phase cycle (i.e., the synodic period of the Moon). It is on average 29.530589 days, or 29 d 12 h 44 min 3 s. The length of this cycle is linked to many phenomena in nature.In a lunar calendar each month corresponds …   Wikipedia

  • Lunation — Lu*na tion, n. [Cf. {Lunated}.] The period of a synodic revolution of the moon, or the time from one new moon to the next; varying in length, at different times, from about 291/4 to 295/6 days, the average length being 29 d., 12h., 44m., 2.9s.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lunation — (neulat.), die Zeit, in welcher der Mond die ganze Reihe seiner Phasen durchmacht, oder auch die Reihe der Phasen selbst …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • lunation — [lo͞o nā′shən] n. [ME lunacyon < ML lunatio < L luna, the moon: see LIGHT1] LUNAR MONTH …   English World dictionary

  • Lunation — Die Lunation (abgeleitet von lateinisch Luna für Mond) bezeichnet die Zeitspanne eines vollen Umlaufs des Mondes auf seiner Bahn um die Erde in Bezug zur Sonne, also die synodische Periode des Mondes. Dies ist die Zeit von einem Neumond, wenn… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lunation — noun Etymology: Middle English lunacioun, from Anglo French lunaison, from Medieval Latin lunation , lunatio, from Latin luna Date: 14th century the period of time averaging 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2.8 seconds elapsing between two… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • lunation — /looh nay sheuhn/, n. the period of time from one new moon to the next (about 291/2 days); a lunar month. [1350 1400; ME lunacyon < ML lunation (s. of lunatio). See LUNA, ATION] * * * …   Universalium

  • lunation — noun a) a month of approximately 29.53 days, measured from a lunar phase until the return of that same phase. On average, the number of days between Full Moons is about 29.5306 days. The actual number of days may differ from the average number by …   Wiktionary

  • Lunation — Lu|na|ti|on 〈f. 20〉 Mondumlauf in allen seinen Phasen [zu lat. luna „Mond“] * * * Lunation   [zu lateinisch luna »Mond«] die, / en, die Zeit, in der die Mondphasen einen vollen Zyklus durchlaufen. (Monat) * * * Lu|na|ti|on, die; , en [zu lat.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Lunation Number — is a number given to each lunation beginning from a certain one in history. There are several series of lunation numbers in use.Perhaps the most commonly used is the Brown Lunation Number, which defines lunation 1 as beginning at the first new… …   Wikipedia

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