
luminescence 1884, from L. lumen (gen. luminis) "light" (see LUMINOUS (Cf. luminous)) + -ESCENCE (Cf. -escence).
Fluorescence and Phosphorescence -- Prof. E. Wiedmann has made a new study of these phenomena. He proposes the general name luminescence for evolutions of light which do not depend on the temperature of the substance concerned. ["Photographic News," April 20, 1888]

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • LUMINESCENCE — On appelle luminescence l’émission de tout rayonnement électromagnétique visible, ultraviolet ou infrarouge, qui n’est pas d’origine purement thermique. Des phénomènes de luminescence sont connus depuis des milliers d’années; on en trouve des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Luminescence — La luminescence est une émission de lumière dite « froide » par opposition à l incandescence qui elle est dite « chaude » : toute lumière est produite par le retour vers un état de moindre énergie des électrons excités et …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Luminescence — is also the title of an album by singer Anggun. Luminescence is light not generated by high temperatures alone. It is different from incandescence, in that it usually occurs at low temperatures and is thus a form of cold body radiation. It can be …   Wikipedia

  • Luminescence — Lu mi*nes cence, n. [See {Luminescent}.] 1. (Physics) Any emission of light not ascribable directly to incandescence, and therefore occurring at low temperatures, as in phosphorescence and fluorescence or other luminous radiation resulting from… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • luminescence —  Luminescence  Люминесценция   Излучение световых волн веществом, находящимся в электронно возбуждённом состоянии. В зависимости от того, является ли электронно возбуждённое состояние синглетным или триплетным, излучение света называется… …   Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.

  • luminescence — ► NOUN ▪ the emission of light by a substance that has not been heated, as in fluorescence and phosphorescence. DERIVATIVES luminescent adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • luminescence — [lo͞o΄mə nes′əns] n. [< L lumen, LIGHT1 + ESCENCE] any giving off of light caused by the absorption of radiant or corpuscular energy and not by incandescence; any cold light; specif., fluorescence or phosphorescence occurring in various… …   English World dictionary

  • luminescence — luminescent, adj. /looh meuh nes euhns/, n. 1. the emission of light not caused by incandescence and occurring at a temperature below that of incandescent bodies. 2. the light produced by such an emission. [1885 90; < L lumin (see LUMEN) +… …   Universalium

  • luminescence — Emission of light from a body as a result of a chemical reaction. See bioluminescence. [L. lumen, light] * * * lu·mi·nes·cence .lü mə nes ən(t)s n the low temperature emission of light produced esp. by physiological processes (as in the firefl …   Medical dictionary

  • luminescence — [[t]lu͟ːmɪne̱s(ə)ns[/t]] N UNCOUNT Luminescence is a soft, glowing light. [LITERARY] Lights reflected off dust covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence …   English dictionary

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