
levator from Medical L. levator "a lifter," from L. levatus, pp. of levare "to raise" (see LEVER (Cf. lever)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • levator — lèvātor (levȃtor) m DEFINICIJA 1. anat. mišić podizač 2. med. u kirurgiji, instrument za podizanje udubljenja na lubanji ETIMOLOGIJA vidi levacija …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Levator — Le*va tor (l[ e]*v[=a] t[o^]r), n. [NL., fr. L. levare to raise. See {Lever}, n.] 1. (Anat.) A muscle that serves to raise some part, as the lip or the eyelid. [1913 Webster] 2. (Surg.) A surgical instrument used to raise a depressed part of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • levator — [lə vāt′ər] n. pl. levatores [lev΄ə tôr′ēz΄] or levators [ModL < pp. of L levare, to raise: see LEVER] 1. a muscle that raises a limb or other part of the body 2. a surgical instrument for lifting depressed fragments of bone in a skull… …   English World dictionary

  • levator — 1. A surgical instrument for prying up the depressed part in a fracture of the skull. 2. One of several muscles whose action is to raise the part to which it inserts. [L. a lifter, fr. levo, pp. atus, to lift, fr. levis, light] * * * le·va·tor li …   Medical dictionary

  • Levator — Le|va|tor der; s, ...oren <aus lat. levator »der Erleichterer«> übliche Kurzbez. für Musculus levator, Muskel mit Hebefunktion; Hebemuskel (Anat., Med.) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • levator — /li vay teuhr, tawr/, n., pl. levatores /lev euh tawr eez, tohr /. 1. Anat. a muscle that raises a part of the body. Cf. depressor. 2. Surg. an instrument used to raise a depressed part of the skull. [1605 15; < NL, special use of ML levator one… …   Universalium

  • Levator — Le|va|tor 〈[ va: ] m. 23; Med.〉 Hebemuskel, Heber [<lat. levare „heben“] * * * Le|va|tor, der; s, ...oren [nlat. levator, zu lat. levare, ↑Lever] (Anat., Med.): Muskel mit Hebefunktion …   Universal-Lexikon

  • levator — leva̱tor [zu lat. levare = heben, aufheben], Gen.: ...to̱ris, Mehrz.: ...to̱res: erläuternder Bestandteil von fachspr. Fügungen mit der Bedeutung „Heber, Hebemuskel“; z. B. in der Fügung ↑Musculus levator scapulae …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

  • Levator — Leva̱tor m; s, ...to̱ren: übliche Kurzbez. für: Musculus levator …   Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke

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