
kwashiorkor 1935, from a native name in Ghana for the disease.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • kwashiorkor — [ kwaʃjɔrkɔr ] n. m. • mil. XXe; mot d une langue ghanéenne ♦ Méd. Syndrome de dénutrition infantile, courant en Afrique tropicale, dû à une carence protéique. ● kwashiorkor nom masculin (mot d un dialecte du Ghana) Forme de malnutrition de l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • kwashiorkor — m. nutric. Trastorno nutritivo grave en el que el sujeto padece una carencia de principios inmediatos básicos (glúcidos, lípidos y especialmente de proteínas) y una falta de aporte calórico. La desnutrición causa edemas, descamación cutánea, pelo …   Diccionario médico

  • Kwashiorkor —   [ ʃ , afrikanisch] der, (s), Kwaschiorkor, ernährungsbedingter Eiweiß und Vitaminmangelzustand im Kleinkindalter, der v. a. in Entwicklungsländern auftritt und durch einseitige Ernährung mit Kohlenhydraten nach dem Abstillen hervorgerufen wird; …   Universal-Lexikon

  • kwashiorkor — [kwä΄shē ôr′kôr΄] n. [< native name in Ghana] a severe disease of young children, caused by chronic deficiency of protein and calories in the diet and characterized by stunted growth, edema, and a protuberant belly …   English World dictionary

  • Kwashiorkor — MeshName = Kwashiorkor MeshNumber = D007732 DiseasesDB = 7211 Kwashiorkor is a type of malnutrition with controversial causes, but it is commonly believed to be caused by insufficient protein intake. It usually affects children aged 1–4 years,… …   Wikipedia

  • Kwashiorkor — Classification internationale des maladies CIM 10 : E40 Le kwashiorkor est un syndrome de malnutrition protéino calorique sévère de la première enfance. Le terme, qui signifie enfant (kwashi) rouge (orkor) dans la langue des Ashanti du Ghana, se… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kwashiorkor — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 E40 Kwashiorkor …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kwashiorkor — Sinónimos Desnutrición proteica Desnutrición proteica calórica Desnutrición maligna Mehlä hrschaden Finales de la década de los 60, la fotografía muestra sentada, una niña apática que esta …   Wikipedia Español

  • Kwashiorkor — The word kwashiorkor comes from the Ivory Coast. It means the deposed (no longer suckled) child. Kwashiorkor is a childhood disease due to protein deprivation. Early signs are vague: apathy (indifference), lethargy (drowsiness) and irritability.… …   Medical dictionary

  • kwashiorkor — /kwah shee awr kawr, keuhr/, n. Pathol. a malnutrition disease, chiefly of children, caused by severe protein and vitamin deficiency and characterized by retarded growth, changes in pigmentation, potbelly, and anemia. [1930 35; < Ga kwašioko the… …   Universalium

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