
kelpie 1747, Scottish, of unknown origin, perhaps related to Gael. colpach "heifer, steer, colt;" colpa "cow, horse." The Lowland name of a demon in the shape of a horse that was reputed to haunt lakes and rivers and to delight in causing drownings. But unlike its equivalents in Danish (nèkken) and Icelandic (nykur), it occasionally was benevolent, especially to millers by keeping their streams running.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Kelpie — Kel pie, Kelpy Kel py, n.; pl. {Kelpies}. [Cf. Gael. cailpeach, calpach, colpach, a heifer, steer, colt, colpa a cow or horse.] (Scotch Myth.) An imaginary spirit of the waters, horselike in form, vulgarly believed to warn, by preternatural… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • kelpie — kelpie1 or kelpy [kel′pē] n. pl. kelpies [Scot < ? Gael calpa, colt] Celt. Folklore a water spirit, supposed to take the form of a horse and drown people kelpie2 [kel′pē] n. any of a breed of medium sized sheepdog with erect ears, a pointed… …   English World dictionary

  • Kelpie — This article is about the aquatic creature from Celtic mythology. For the Australian dog breed, see Australian Kelpie. Kelpie The Kelpie by Herbert James Draper Mythology Celtic mythology Grouping Myt …   Wikipedia

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  • kelpie — I. /ˈkɛlpi / (say kelpee) noun one of a breed of Australian sheepdogs developed from imported Scottish collies, having a smooth coat of variable colour and pricked ears. {from the name Kelpie given to a dog which was a progenitor of the breed,… …  

  • kelpie — I. noun Etymology: perhaps from Scottish Gaelic cailpeach, colpach heifer, colt Date: 1747 a water sprite of Scottish folklore that delights in or brings about the drowning of wayfarers II. noun Etymology: Kelpie, name of a dog of this breed Date …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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