- juvenilia
- juvenilia (n.) "works of a person's youth," 1620s, from L. iuvenilia, neuter plural of iuvenilis (see JUVENILE (Cf. juvenile)).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Juvenilia — es un conocido libro de recuerdos estudiantiles del escritor argentino Miguel Cané publicado en 1884. Contenido 1 Argumento 2 Miscelánea 3 Véase también 4 Enlaces ext … Wikipedia Español
juvenilia — ⇒JUVENILIA, subst. masc. plur. Rare. Œuvres (notamment poèmes) de jeunesse. Mais, me direz vous, il faut enfin montrer ces premiers vers, ces juvenilia (NERVAL, Chât. Bohême, 1855, p. 17). Nombre d adolescents (...) impriment à leurs frais leurs… … Encyclopédie Universelle
juvenilia — juvenília s. f. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic JUVENÍLIA s.f.pl. (Liv.) Scrieri din perioada tinereţii unui autor sau conţinând fapte şi amintiri din tinereţe. [< lat. iuvenilia]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 12.05.2005 … Dicționar Român
Juvenília — is a municipality in the north of the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil. As of 2007 the population was 17,626 in an area of 1,252 km². *The elevation of the municipal seat is 445 meters. *It became a municipality in 1962. *The postal code (CEP) is… … Wikipedia
juvenília — s. f. Conjunto de trabalhos literários da juventude de um autor. ‣ Etimologia: latim juvenilia, plural neutro de juvenilis, e, juvenil … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Juvenilia — is a term applied to literary, musical or artistic works produced by an author during his or her youth. The term was first recorded in 1622 in George Wither s poetry collection Ivvenilia . Later, other notable poets, such as John Dryden and… … Wikipedia
juvenilia — ► PLURAL NOUN ▪ works produced by an author or artist when young. ORIGIN Latin, plural of juvenilis juvenile … English terms dictionary
juvenilia — [jo͞o΄və nil′ē ə] pl.n. [L, neut. pl. of juvenilis,JUVENILE] 1. writings, paintings, etc. done in childhood or youth 2. books for children … English World dictionary
juvenilia — /jooh veuh nil ee euh, nil yeuh/, n.pl. 1. works, esp. writings, produced in one s youth: His juvenilia were more successful than his mature writings. 2. literary or artistic productions suitable or designed for the young: publishers of juvenilia … Universalium
juvenilia — noun /ˈdʒuːvɪˈniːljə/ Works produced during an artists or authors youth. ...rhyme was not his [Miltons] talent; he had neither the ease of doing it, nor the graces of it: which is manifest in his Juvenilia or verses written in his youth, where… … Wiktionary