
juggernaut (n.) 1630s, "huge wagon bearing an image of the god Krishna," especially that at the town of Puri, drawn annually in procession in which (apocryphally) devotees allowed themselves to be crushed under its wheels in sacrifice. Altered from Jaggernaut, a title of Krishna (an incarnation of Vishnu), from Hindi Jagannath, lit. "lord of the world," from Skt. jagat "world" (lit. "moving," prp. of *jagati "he goes," from PIE *gwa- "to go, come" (see COME (Cf. come)) + natha-s "lord, master," from nathate "he helps, protects." The first European description of the festival is by Friar Odoric (c.1321). Figurative sense of "anything that demands blind devotion or merciless sacrifice" is from 1854.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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