
itself late 14c., from O.E. hit sylf, from IT (Cf. it) + SELF (Cf. self). Since 17c. usually regarded as its self (Cf. its own self).

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  • itself — it*self ([i^]t*s[e^]lf ), pron. The neuter reflexive pronoun of {It}; as, the thing is good in itself; it stands by itself. [1913 Webster] Borrowing of foreigners, in itself, makes not the kingdom rich or poor. Locke. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • itself — ► PRONOUN (third person sing. ) 1) (reflexive ) used to refer to something previously mentioned as the subject of the clause: his horse hurt itself. 2) (emphatic ) used to emphasize a particular thing or animal mentioned. ● in itself Cf. ↑in… …   English terms dictionary

  • itself — [it self′] pron. a form of IT1, used: a) as an intensifier [the work itself is easy] b) as a reflexive [the dog bit itself] c) with the meaning “its real, true, or normal self” [the bird is not itself today ]: in this construction, it functions… …   English World dictionary

  • itself — it|self [ ıt self ] pronoun *** Itself is a reflexive pronoun, being the reflexive form of it. It can be used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the same thing that is the subject of the sentence or that was mentioned… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • itself */*/*/ — UK [ɪtˈself] / US pronoun Summary: Itself is a reflexive pronoun, being the reflexive form of it. It can be used especially in the following ways: as an object that refers to the same thing that is the subject of the sentence or that was… …   English dictionary

  • itself — [[t]ɪtse̱lf[/t]] ♦ 1) PRON REFL: v PRON, prep PRON Itself is used as the object of a verb or preposition when it refers to something that is the same thing as the subject of the verb. Scientists have discovered remarkable new evidence showing how …   English dictionary

  • itself — it|self W1S1 [ıtˈself] pron [reflexive form of it ] 1.) used to show that a thing, organization, animal, or baby that does something is affected by its own action ▪ The cat lay on the sofa, washing itself. ▪ The machine switches itself off when… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • itself — /It self/ pronoun 1 the reflexive form of it: The cat lay on the sofa, washing itself. | It is generally felt that the government has made an idiot of itself. 2 used to emphasize the pronoun it : We ve checked the wiring and the aerial so the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • itself*/*/*/ — [ɪtˈself] pronoun 1) the REFLEXIVE form of ‘it , used for showing that an action affects the thing that does the action The young bird cannot feed itself.[/ex] The government needs to defend itself against these attacks.[/ex] 2) used for… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • itself — /it self /, pron. 1. a reflexive form of it: The battery recharges itself. 2. an emphatic appositive of it, which, that, this, or a noun: which itself is also true; Even without flowers, the bowl itself is beautiful. 3. (used as the object of a… …   Universalium

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