
invitation mid-15c., from L. invitationem (nom. invitatio) "an invitation, incitement, challenge," noun of action from pp. stem of invitare "invite, treat, entertain," originally "be pleasant toward," from in- "toward" (see IN- (Cf. in-) (2)). Second element is obscure; Watkins suggests a suffixed form of root *weie- "to go after something, pursue with vigor," and a connection to English gain (see VENISON (Cf. venison)). Meaning "the spoken or written form in which a person is invited" is from 1610s.

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  • invitation — [ ɛ̃vitasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIVe; lat. invitatio 1 ♦ Action d inviter; son résultat. Faire une invitation. Accepter, refuser une invitation. Invitation à un cocktail, à un mariage. Lettre, carton d invitation. Entrée sur invitation uniquement. ♢ Par… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • invitation — in‧vi‧ta‧tion [ˌɪnvˈteɪʆn] noun [countable] 1. an offer of an opportunity that is made to someone: • She turned down an invitation to serve on the company s board. 2. FINANCE invitation to subscribe an occasion when a company offers shares for… …   Financial and business terms

  • Invitation — Livealbum von Jaco Pastorius Veröffentlichung 1983[1] Label …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • invitation — I noun advance, allurement, appeal, approach, attraction, bid, bidding, call, challenge, encouragement, enticement, incitement, inducement, invitatio, offer, overture, petition, plea, proffer, prompting, proposal, proposition, provocative,… …   Law dictionary

  • Invitation — In vi*ta tion, n. [L. invitatio: cf. F. invitation. See {Invite}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of inviting; solicitation; the requesting of a person s company; as, an invitation to a party, to a dinner, or to visit a friend. [1913 Webster] 2. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Invitation — Invitation …   Википедия

  • invitation — Invitation. s. f. v. Action d inviter, de convier à une ceremonie. Invitation à un festin. invitation à une nopce. le grand Maistre ou le Maistre des ceremonies va faire l invitation au Parlement, pour assister au Te Deum …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • invitation — ► NOUN 1) a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something. 2) the action of inviting. 3) a situation or action inviting a particular outcome or response: his tactics were an invitation to disaster …   English terms dictionary

  • invitation — [n] proposal; asking allurement, appeal, attraction, begging, bid, bidding, call, challenge, compliments, coquetry, date, encouragement, enticement, feeler*, ground, hit, incitement, inducement, invite, lure, motive, offer, open door*, overture,… …   New thesaurus

  • invitation — [in΄və tā′shən] n. [L invitatio < pp. of invitare] 1. an inviting to come somewhere or do something 2. the message or note used in inviting 3. enticement or allurement …   English World dictionary

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