- incommensurate
- incommensurate (adj.) 1640s, from IN- (Cf. in-) (1) "not, opposite of" + COMMENSURATE (Cf. commensurate).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Incommensurate — In com*men su*rate, a. 1. Not commensurate; not admitting of a common measure; incommensurable. [1913 Webster] 2. Not of equal of sufficient measure or extent; not adequate; as, our means are incommensurate to our wants. Syn: Inadequate;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
incommensurate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (incommensurate with) out of keeping or proportion with. 2) another term for INCOMMENSURABLE(Cf. ↑incommensurable) (in sense 1). DERIVATIVES incommensurateness noun … English terms dictionary
incommensurate — [in΄kə men′shoor it, in΄kə men′sərit] adj. not commensurate; specif., a) not proportionate; not adequate [a supply incommensurate to the demand] b) INCOMMENSURABLE (adj. 1) incommensurately adv … English World dictionary
incommensurate — I adjective at variance, discordant, discrepant, disproportionate, inaccordant, incommensurable, inconsistent, mismatched, out of keeping, out of proportion, short, unconformable, unequal II index disproportionate, insufficient Burton … Law dictionary
incommensurate — adj. incommensurate to, with * * * [ˌɪnkə menʃ(ə)rɪt] with incommensurate to … Combinatory dictionary
incommensurate — adjective Date: 1650 not commensurate: as a. incommensurable b. inadequate c. disproportionate < a confidence incommensurate with their ability > … New Collegiate Dictionary
incommensurate — incommensurately, adv. incommensurateness, n. /in keuh men seuhr it, sheuhr /, adj. 1. not commensurate; disproportionate; inadequate: Our income is incommensurate to our wants. 2. incommensurable. [1640 50; IN 3 + COMMENSURATE] * * * … Universalium
incommensurate — [ˌɪnkə mɛnʃ(ə)rət, sjə ] adjective 1》 (incommensurate with) out of keeping or proportion with. 2》 another term for incommensurable (in sense 1). Derivatives incommensurately adverb incommensurateness noun … English new terms dictionary
incommensurate — /ɪnkəˈmɛnʃərət/ (say inkuh menshuhruht) adjective 1. not commensurate; disproportionate; inadequate: means incommensurate to our wants. 2. incommensurable. –incommensurately, adverb –incommensurateness, noun …
incommensurate with — out of keeping or proportion with. → incommensurate … English new terms dictionary