Jabberwocky — von John Tenniel Jabberwocky [ˈdʒæbəˌwɒki] ist der Titel eines berühmten Unsinns Gedichts von Lewis Carroll aus dem Buch Alice hinter den Spiegeln (1871). Ein großer Teil der verwendeten Wörter ist erfunden. Das Gedicht erzielt seine Wirkung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jabberwocky — Comédie satirique de Terry Gilliam, avec Michael Palin, Max Wall, Deborah Fallender, Warren Mitchell. Pays: Grande Bretagne Date de sortie: 1977 Technique: couleurs Durée: 1 h 41 Résumé Dans une cité médiévale, le jeune tonnelier … Dictionnaire mondial des Films
jabberwocky — [jab′ərwäk΄ē] n. [after Jabberwocky (< JABBER + ?), nonsense poem by CARROLL Lewis] meaningless syllables that seem to make sense; gibberish … English World dictionary
Jabberwocky — For other uses, see Jabberwocky (disambiguation). The Jabberwock, as illustrated by John Tenniel Jabberwocky is a nonsense verse poem written by Lewis Carroll in his 1872 novel Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There, a sequel to… … Wikipedia
Jabberwocky — es un poema sin sentido escrito por el británico Lewis Carroll, quien lo incluyó en su obra Alicia a través del espejo en 1872. Jabberwocky es generalmente considerado como uno de los mejores poemas sin sentido escritos en idioma inglés. Muchas… … Wikipedia Español
Jabberwocky — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Jabberwocky peut renvoyer à : Jabberwocky, titre d un poème dans les aventures d Alice De l autre côté du miroir de Lewis Carroll Jabberwocky, film… … Wikipédia en Français
Jabberwocky — /jab euhr wok ee/, n., pl. Jabberwockies, adj. n. 1. a playful imitation of language consisting of invented, meaningless words; nonsense; gibberish. 2. an example of writing or speech consisting of or containing meaningless words. adj. 3.… … Universalium
jabberwocky — n. (pl. ies) a piece of nonsensical writing or speech, esp. for comic effect. Etymology: title of a poem in Lewis Carroll s Through the Looking Glass (1871) * * * Jabberwocky [Jabberwocky] a famous nonsense poem by Lewis Carroll which first… … Useful english dictionary
jabberwocky — noun Etymology: Jabberwocky, nonsense poem by Lewis Carroll Date: 1902 meaningless speech or writing … New Collegiate Dictionary
jabberwocky — jab•ber•wock•y [[t]ˈdʒæb ərˌwɒk i[/t]] n. pl. wock•ies. (sometimes cap.) writing or speech with nonsensical words • Etymology: coined by Lewis Carroll in “Jabberwocky,” poem in Through the Looking Glass (1871) … From formal English to slang