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illiquid — illiquid:⇨zahlungsunfähig(1) illiquid→zahlungsunfähig … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
Illiquid — (v. lat.), 1) nicht flüssig; 2) unklar, unberichtigt … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Illiquīd — (neulat.), nicht flüssig; in der Rechtssprache soviel wie nicht fällig, unerwiesen, im Gegensatz zu liquid (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Illiquid — Illiquid, lat. deutsch, nicht flüssig; unklar, unerwiesen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
illiquid — USA Unable to be easily bought or sold in the market and therefore not easily converted into cash. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. 2010 … Law dictionary
illiquid — [i lik′wid] adj. [< IN 2 + LIQUID] 1. not readily convertible into cash 2. characterized by an insufficiency of cash illiquidity [il΄i kwid′i tē] n … English World dictionary
illiquid — In the context of finance. absence of cash flow needed to fulfill financial debts and meet obligations. In the context of investments, describes a lightly traded investment such as a stock or bond that is not easily converted into cash. Bloomberg … Financial and business terms
Illiquid — The state of a security or other asset that cannot easily be sold or exchanged for cash without a substantial loss in value. Illiquid assets also cannot be sold quickly because of a lack of ready and willing investors or speculators to purchase… … Investment dictionary
illiquid — adjective Date: 1913 1. not being cash or readily convertible into cash < illiquid holdings > 2. deficient in liquid assets < an illiquid bank > • illiquidity noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
illiquid — adjective lacking liquidity Investment in illiquid assets may prove to be a mistake if the market turns down. Ant: liquid … Wiktionary