
hydra 1835, genus name of a freshwater polyp, from Gk. Hydra, many-headed Lernaean water serpent slain by Hercules (this sense is attested in English from late 14c.), from hydor (gen. hydatos) "water" (see WATER (Cf. water) (n.1)); related to Skt. udrah "aquatic animal" and O.E. ottur "otter." Used figuratively for "any multiplicity of evils" [Johnson]. The fabulous beast's heads were said to grown back double when cut off, and the sea creature is said to be so called for its regenerative capabilities.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Hydra — may refer to:* Lernaean Hydra, a mythological many headed serpent * hydra , an alternate spelling of the prefix hydro , referring to water. * The internet advertising company Hydra LLC, Hydra Network.It may also refer to:In science* Hydra… …   Wikipedia

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