
high-five originally U.S. basketball slang, 1980 as a noun, 1981 as a verb, though the greeting itself seems to be older (e.g. Dick Shawn in "The Producers," 1968). In reference to the five fingers of the hand.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • High five — High five. High five ist eine besonders in den Vereinigten Staaten verbreitete Geste des Feierns, bei der zwei Personen jeweils eine Hand heben, um sie in die erhobene Hand des Gegenübers zu schlagen. Sie dient normalerweise dem Ausdruck… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • high-five — high′ five′ n. v. fived, fiv•ing 1) cvb a gesture of greeting, good fellowship, or triumph in which one person slaps the upraised palm of the hand against that of another 2) cvb to greet with a high five: The two players high fived each… …   From formal English to slang

  • high-five — ☆ high five [hī΄fīv′ ] Informal n. a slapping of the upraised, open hand of another person, as in congratulation or celebration: also high five vt. high fived, high fiving to slap the upraised hand of …   English World dictionary

  • high five — high fives also high five N COUNT If you give someone a high five, you put your hand up and hit their open hand with yours, especially after a victory or as a greeting …   English dictionary

  • High five — 1. See {Cinch} (the game). [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. pl. a celebratory or mutually congratulatory gesture between two persons performed by each slapping the other s raised right hand. Also used as a verb. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • high five — n especially AmE the action of hitting someone s open hand with your own above your heads to show that you are pleased about something …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • high five — noun count the action of holding your hand up and hitting your palm flat against that of another person, when you meet them or as a way of CONGRATULATING them …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • high five — ► NOUN ▪ a gesture of celebration or greeting in which two people slap each other s palms with their arms raised …   English terms dictionary

  • High five — For other uses, see High five (disambiguation). Gimme five redirects here. For the ITV children s show, see Gimme 5 …   Wikipedia

  • high five — I. noun : cinch III II. noun Etymology: from the five fingers of an outstretched hand : a slapping of upraised right hands by two people (as in celebration) • high five ˈ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ verb …   Useful english dictionary

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