- hazmat
- hazmat also HAZMAT, 1977, condensed from hazardous material(s).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Hazmat — and similar can mean: * Hazardous materials and items: see Dangerous goods * A hazmat suit is a type of protective clothing * Hazmat (comics) is a Marvel Comics/Electronic Arts character. * An Indian / Pakistani name, e.g.: ** Sayed Hasmat Jalal … Wikipedia
HAZMAT — [haz′mat΄] n. hazardous material: seen esp. on road signs, where usually written HAZMAT * * * HAZMAT (hăzʹmăt ) abbr. hazardous material. * * * … Universalium
hazmat — [ hazmat] (also hazmats) noun [often as modifier] dangerous substances; hazardous material: hazmat shipments … English new terms dictionary
hazmat — [haz′mat΄] n. hazardous material: seen esp. on road signs, where usually written HAZMAT … English World dictionary
Hazmat — Combinaison Hazmat Combinaison de protection chimique (Combinaison Hazmat) étanche au gaz. Une combinaison Hazmat est une combinaison qui protège intégralement celui qui la porte des produits dangereux. HAZMAT est l abréviation pour Hazardous… … Wikipédia en Français
hazmat — /ˈhæzmæt/ (say hazmat) noun 1. a hazardous material, such as a corrosive or poisonous chemical: the fire brigade is trained to deal with hazmats. –adjective 2. of or relating to hazardous materials: a hazmat incident; the hazmat squad; hazmat… …
HAZMAT — hazardous material * * * haz·mat haz .mat n, often attrib a material (as radioactive, flammable, explosive, or poisonous material) that would be a danger to life or to the environment if released without necessary precautions being taken… … Medical dictionary
hazmat — haz|mat HazMat [ˈhæzmæt] n [U] hazardous materials substances that are dangerous to people s health ▪ Paint and other chemicals can be taken to a HazMat center for disposal … Dictionary of contemporary English
Hazmat — Gefahrentafel (orangefarbene Warntafel) 58 | 2014 und Gefahrenzettel 8 (ätzend) und 5.2: Wasserstoffperoxid … Deutsch Wikipedia
hazmat — noun Hazmat is used before these nouns: ↑suit … Collocations dictionary