
hafnium (n.) rare element, 1923, Modern Latin, from Hafnia, Medieval Latin form of Dan. Havn "harbor," the usual pre-1400 name of COPENHAGEN (Cf. Copenhagen), Denmark, where it was discovered by physicist Dirk Coster (1889-1950) and chemist George de Hevesy (1885-1966).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Hafnium — Lutécium ← Hafnium → Tantale Zr …   Wikipédia en Français

  • hafnium — [ afnjɔm ] n. m. • 1923; du danois (Køben)havn « Copenhague », lieu de découverte, et suff. ium ♦ Chim. Élément atomique (Hf; no at. 72; m. at. 178,5), métal très brillant, ductile, de la même colonne que le titane et le zirconium. hafnium n. m …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Hafnium — kommer af det latinske Hafinia som betyder København. I 1923 Blev det opdaget af D. Coster G. von Hevesey, ved hjælp af røngent spektroskop analyse. Man havde allerede inden opdagelsen forudsat Hafniums exsistensen i adskillige mineraler.… …   Danske encyklopædi

  • hafnium — haf ni*um (h[a^]f n[=e]*[u^]m or h[aum]f n[=e]*[u^]m), n. A metallic element of atomic number 72 present together with zirconium to the extent of 1% to 5% in zirconium minerals. It is a poisonous, ductile metal with a brilliant silver luster, has …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • *hafnium — ● hafnium nom masculin (de Hafnia, ancien nom latin de Copenhague) Métal rare, analogue au zirconium. (Élément n° 72 de symbole Hf et de masse atomique 178,49.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • hafnium — Symbol: Hf Atomic number: 72 Atomic weight: 178.49 Silvery lustrous metallic transition element. Used in tungsten alloys in filaments and electrodes, also acts as a neutron absorber. First reported by Urbain in 1911, existence was finally… …   Elements of periodic system

  • hafnium — [haf′nē əm] n. [ModL: so named (1923) by D. Coster (1889 1950), Du chemist, and G. C. de Hevesy ( c. 1889 1966), Hung chemist, after Hafnia, Latinized name of Dan København, COPENHAGEN, where it was discovered + IUM] a metallic chemical element… …   English World dictionary

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  • hafnium — /haf nee euhm, hahf /, n. Chem. a gray, toxic metallic element with a high melting point (over 2000°C), found in most zirconium minerals. Symbol: Hf; at. wt.: 178.49; at. no.: 72; sp. gr.: 12.1. [1923; < NL Hafn(ia) Copenhagen + IUM] * * * ▪… …   Universalium

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