
gnat O.E. gnætt "gnat, midge, mosquito," earlier gneat, used of various small, flying insects, from P.Gmc. *gnattaz (Cf. Low Ger. gnatte, Ger. Gnitze); perhaps lit. "biting insect" and related to gnaw.
The gnatte is a litil fflye, and hatte culex..he soukeþ blood and haþ in his mouþ a pipe, as hit were a pricke..And is a-countid a-mong volatiles..and greueþ slepinge men wiþ noyse & wiþ bytinge and wakeþ hem of here reste. [John of Trevisa, transl. of Bartholomew de Glanville's "De proprietatibus rerum," 1398]

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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