- glottochronology
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Glottochronology — refers to methods in historical linguistics used to estimate the time at which languages diverged, based on the assumption that the basic (core) vocabulary of a language changes at a constant average rate. This assumption, originally put forward… … Wikipedia
glottochronology — ☆ glottochronology [glät΄ō krə näl′ə jē ] n. [see GLOTTIS & CHRONOLOGY] a method for estimating the dates when the branches of a family of languages separated from the parent language and from one another … English World dictionary
glottochronology — /glot oh kreuh nol euh jee, glot euh /, n. Ling. the branch of lexicostatistics that studies the rate of replacement of vocabulary and attempts to determine what percentage of basic vocabulary two presently distinct but related languages share,… … Universalium
glottochronology — noun the determination of how long ago different languages evolved from a common source language (Freq. 1) he mapped the glottochronology of the Romance languages • Derivationally related forms: ↑glottochronological • Hypernyms: ↑chronology … Useful english dictionary
glottochronology — noun Date: 1953 a linguistic method that uses the rate of vocabulary replacement to estimate the date of divergence for distinct but genetically related languages • glottochronological adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
glottochronology — noun The study of languages to determine when they diverged from being the same language … Wiktionary
glottochronology — glot·to·chronology … English syllables
Swadesh list — A Swadesh list is one of several lists of vocabulary with basic meanings, developed by Morris Swadesh in the 1940 50s, which is used in lexicostatistics (quantitative language relatedness assessment) and glottochronology (language divergence… … Wikipedia
Глоттохронология — Глоттохронология (от др. греч. γλῶττα «язык», χρóνος «время» и λόγος «слово», «учение») гипотетический метод сравнительно исторического языкознания для предположительного определения времени разделения родственных языков, основанный на … Википедия
Glottochronologie — (v. att. griech. γλῶττα „Zunge, Sprache“ und χρóνος „Zeit“) ist das Teilgebiet der Lexikostatistik, das sich mit zeitlichen Beziehungen zwischen Sprachen befasst. Im Besonderen beanspruchen die Verfechter der Methode, zwischen als verwandt… … Deutsch Wikipedia