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Giver — Giv er, n. One who gives; a donor; a bestower; a grantor; one who imparts or distributes. [1913 Webster] It is the giver, and not the gift, that engrosses the heart of the Christian. Kollock. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
giver — [giv′ər] n. a person who gives: often in compounds [lawgiver, almsgiver] * * * giv·er (gĭvʹər) n. 1. One that gives: a giver of gifts. 2. A donor or contributor. Often used in combination: almsgivers. * * * … Universalium
giver — index benefactor, donor, feoffor, good Samaritan, grantor, supplier Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
giver — giv‧er [ˈgɪvə ǁ ər] noun [countable] FINANCE a person or organization that gives money to a political party, charity (= an organization that exists to help people, in health, education) etc; = DONOR: • 32% of the country s givers say they are… … Financial and business terms
giver — [giv′ər] n. a person who gives: often in compounds [lawgiver, almsgiver] … English World dictionary
giver — [[t]gɪ̱və(r)[/t]] givers N COUNT You can refer to a person or organization that gives or supplies a particular thing as a giver of that thing. Germany is the largest giver of aid among the wealthy countries of the West. ...a complex social ritual … English dictionary
giver — noun Giver is used after these nouns: ↑care … Collocations dictionary
giver — Synonyms and related words: Maecenas, Santa Claus, almoner, almsgiver, angel, assignor, awarder, backer, bestower, cheerful giver, conferrer, consignor, contributor, donator, donor, fairy godmother, feoffor, financer, funder, grantor, imparter,… … Moby Thesaurus
giver — noun Lynette threw her indolent nephews out of the house, vowing that her days as the family giver were over Syn: donor, contributor, donator, benefactor, benefactress, provider; supporter, backer, patron, sponsor, subscriber … Thesaurus of popular words
giver — give ► VERB (past gave; past part. given) 1) freely transfer the possession of; cause to receive or have. 2) yield as a product or result. 3) carry out (an action). 4) cause to experience or suffer. 5) state or put forward (information or… … English terms dictionary