
georgic 1510s, Georgics, title of Virgil's poems on rural life, from L. georgica, from georgicus (adj.), from Gk. georgikos "of a husbandman, agricultural," from ge "earth" + ergon "work" (see URGE (Cf. urge) (v.)). As an adjective meaning "related to agriculture" from 1711.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • georgic — I. noun Etymology: the Georgics, poem by Virgil, from Latin georgicus Date: 1513 a poem dealing with agriculture II. adjective Etymology: Latin georgicus, from Greek geōrgikos, from geōrgos farmer, from geō ge + ergon work more at work Date …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • georgic — /jawr jik/, adj. 1. agricultural. n. 2. a poem on an agricultural theme. [1505 15; < L georgicus < Gk georgikós, equiv. to georg(ós) husbandman (geo GEO + ourgos working, worker, akin to érgon WORK) + ikos IC] * * * ▪ poetry       a poem dealing… …   Universalium

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