
geocentric 1680s, from GEO- (Cf. geo-) + -CENTRIC (Cf. -centric). Related: Geocentrism (1882).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • geocentric — GEOCÉNTRIC, Ă, geocentrici, ce, adj. Privitor la centrul Pământului; care are Pământul drept centru. ♢ Sistem geocentric = geocentrism. Mişcare geocentrică = mişcare aparentă a unui astru împrejurul Pământului, considerat ca centru. [pr.: ge o ]… …   Dicționar Român

  • Geocentric — Ge o*cen tric, Geocentrical Ge o*cen tric*al, a. [Gr. ge a, gh^, the earth + ke ntron center: cf. F. g[ e]ocentrique.] (Astron.) (a) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center; as, the geocentric theory of the universe; in relation to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • geocentric — [jē΄ō sen′trik] adj. [ GEO + CENTRIC] 1. measured or viewed as from the center of the earth 2. having or regarding the earth as a center: Also geocentrical geocentrically adv …   English World dictionary

  • geocentric — geocentrically, adv. /jee oh sen trik/, adj. 1. having or representing the earth as a center: a geocentric theory of the universe. 2. using the earth or earthly life as the only basis of evaluation. 3. viewed or measured as from the center of the …   Universalium

  • geocentric — ge•o•cen•tric [[t]ˌdʒi oʊˈsɛn trɪk[/t]] adj. 1) having or representing the earth as a center: a geocentric theory of the universe[/ex] 2) using the earth or earthly life as the only basis of evaluation 3) viewed or measured as from the center of… …   From formal English to slang

  • geocentric — /dʒioʊˈsɛntrɪk / (say jeeoh sentrik) adjective 1. Astronomy as viewed or measured from the centre of the earth: the geocentric altitude of a star. 2. having or representing the earth as a centre: a geocentric theory of the universe. Also,… …  

  • geocentric — adjective having the Earth as the central point, or measured from the centre of the Earth: Ptolemy s geocentric model of the universe …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • geocentric — adj. 1 considered as viewed from the centre of the earth. 2 having or representing the earth as the centre; not heliocentric. Phrases and idioms: geocentric latitude the latitude at which a planet would appear if viewed from the centre of the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Geocentric latitude — Geocentric Ge o*cen tric, Geocentrical Ge o*cen tric*al, a. [Gr. ge a, gh^, the earth + ke ntron center: cf. F. g[ e]ocentrique.] (Astron.) (a) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center; as, the geocentric theory of the universe; in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Geocentric Coordinate Time — (TCG) is a coordinate time standard intended to be used as the independent variable of time for all calculations pertaining to precession, nutation, the Moon, and artificial satellites of the Earth. It is equivalent to the proper time experienced …   Wikipedia

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