freak out

freak out
freak out (n.) also freakout "bad psychedelic drug trip or something comparable to one," 1966 (despite an amusing coincidental appearance of the phrase dug up by the OED in "Fanny Hill" from 1749), from verbal phrase freak out, attested from 1965 in the drug sense (from 1902 in a sense "change, distort, come out of alignment"); see FREAK (Cf. freak). Freak (n.) "drug user" is attested from 1945.
She had had her freak out, and had pretty plentifully drowned her curiosity in a glut of pleasure .... [Cleland, "Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure," 1749]

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  • Freak Out! — Studioalbum von The Mothers of Invention Veröffentlichung 27. Juni 1966 Label The Verve Music Group Bar …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Freak out — may refer to:* Freak Out! , a 1966 album by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention; *Freak Out (2004 film), the independent British horror comedy feature film. * Freak Out (2006 film), an independent thriller about serial killer Dean Corll.… …   Wikipedia

  • Freak Out Up — Связать? Freak Out Up CD Cold Own …   Википедия

  • freak out — Freak Freak, v. i. 1. to react with irrationality or extreme emotion; to lose one s composure; often used in the phrase {freak out}. [PJC] 2. to become irrational or to experience hallucinations under the influence of drugs; often used in the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • freak out — Freak Freak, v. i. 1. to react with irrationality or extreme emotion; to lose one s composure; often used in the phrase {freak out}. [PJC] 2. to become irrational or to experience hallucinations under the influence of drugs; often used in the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Freak Out — bezeichnet: Freak Out! ein Musikalbum von Frank Zappa und The Mothers of Invention einen Fahrgeschäftstyp des Herstellers KMG, siehe Afterburner (Fahrgeschäft) Freak Out (Film), einen Horrorfilm aus dem Jahr 2004 Diese Seite ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • freak-out — freak′ out or freak′out n. Slang. 1) sts an act or instance of freaking out 2) sts a person who freaks out • Etymology: 1965–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • freak out — [v] lose one’s cool blow a gasket*, blow one’s mind*, blow one’s stack*, blow one’s top*, break down, come unglued, crack up*, flip out*, fly off the handle*, freak out*, go ape*, go ballistic*, go berserk*, go crazy*, go haywire*, go nuts*, go… …   New thesaurus

  • freak out — Freak Freak, v. t. 1. to cause (a person) react with great distress or extreme emotion; often used in the phrase {freak out}. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • freak|out — «FREEK OWT», noun. Slang. 1. the fact or state of being under the influence of a drug that distorts reality, such as LSD or other hallucinogenic drug. 2. a party where people use hallucinogenic drugs. 3. a person who is under the influence of a… …   Useful english dictionary

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