
formic (adj.) 1791 (in formic acid), coined from L. formica "ant" (see FORMICA (Cf. Formica) (2)). The acid apparently first was noticed by Samuel Fisher and John Wray in 1670; it was first obtained in a fairly pure form in 1749 by German chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf (1709–1782), who prepared it by distilling red ants. It also is found in bee stings and stinging nettles.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • formic — FÓRMIC, Ă, formici, ce, adj. (În sintagmele) Acid formic = acid organic corosiv, lichid, incolor, volatil, care se găseşte în corpul furnicilor roşii, în frunzele de urzică etc. şi care se prepară şi pe cale chimică, având întrebuinţări în… …   Dicționar Român

  • Formic — For mic, a. [L. formica an ant: cf. F. formique.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or derived from, ants; as, formic acid; in an extended sense, pertaining to, or derived from, formic acid; as, formic ether. [1913 Webster] {Amido formic acid}, carbamic… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Formic — * Formic is an adjective describing ants. * Formic acid is a type of chemical secreted by ants. * The Formics, most commonly known as the buggers, are an alien species in Orson Scott Card s science fiction Ender s Game series …   Wikipedia

  • formic — [fôr′mik] adj. [< L formica, an ant < IE * morm , var. of morwi > OIr moirb, ON maurr, ant: see PISMIRE] 1. of ants 2. designating or of a colorless acid, HCOOH, that is extremely irritating to the skin: it is found in living organisms,… …   English World dictionary

  • formic — adjective 1. of or relating to or derived from ants • Pertains to noun: ↑ant 2. of or containing or derived from formic acid • Pertains to noun: ↑formic acid …   Useful english dictionary

  • formic — /fawr mik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to ants. 2. Chem. of or derived from formic acid. [1785 95; irreg. < L formica ant. Cf. F formique] * * * …   Universalium

  • formic — adjective a) Of or pertaining to ants b) Of, pertaining to or derived from formic acid (or from methane) …   Wiktionary

  • formic — 1. Pertaining to f. acid. 2. Relating to ants. [L. formica, ant] * * * for·mic fȯr mik adj derived from formic acid …   Medical dictionary

  • formic — adj. pertaining to ants; (Chemistry) of formic acid (acid formerly obtained from ants) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • formic — for•mic [[t]ˈfɔr mɪk[/t]] adj. 1) ent of or pertaining to ants 2) chem. of or derived from formic acid • Etymology: 1785–95; irreg. < L formīca ant. Cf. F formique …   From formal English to slang

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