Ghibelline — Ghib el*line, n. [It. Ghibellino; of German origin.] (It. Hist.) One of a faction in Italy, in the 12th and 13th centuries, which favored the German emperors, and opposed the Guelfs, or adherents of the poses. Brande & C. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ghibelline — [gib′ə lēn΄, gib′əlin, gib′əlīn΄] n. [It Ghibellino, for Ger Waiblingen, Hohenstaufen estate in Franconia] any member of a political party in medieval Italy that supported the authority of the German emperors in Italy in opposition to the papal… … English World dictionary
Ghibelline — Ghibellinism, n. /gib euh lin, leen /, n. 1. a member of the aristocratic party in medieval Italy and Germany that supported the claims of the German emperors against the papacy: politically opposed to the Guelphs. adj. 2. of or pertaining to the … Universalium
Ghibelline — Ghi|bel|li|ne 〈[gi ] m. 17〉 Anhänger der Staufenkaiser in Italien u. Gegner der papsttreuen Guelfen [nach dem alten staufischen Besitz Waiblingen in Baden Württemberg] * * * Ghi|bel|li|ne: ↑Gibelline. Gi|bel|li|ne, Ghibelline, der; n, n [ital.… … Universal-Lexikon
Ghibelline — noun Etymology: Italian Ghibellino Date: 1573 a member of an aristocratic political party in medieval Italy supporting the authority of the German emperors compare Guelf … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ghibelline — Der Name Ghibellinen / Waiblinger ist für das mittelalterliche Italien die Bezeichnung für die Parteigänger des Kaisers, benannt nach der heute württembergischen Stauferstadt Waiblingen und dem Kampfruf der Staufer. Die Existenz dieses Namens ist … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ghibelline — noun A member of a medieval aristocratic Italian faction that supported the German emperors in a long struggle against the Popes and the Guelphs … Wiktionary
Ghibelline — Ghi|bel|li|ne 〈m.; Gen.: n, Pl.: n〉 Anhänger der Staufenkaiser in Italien u. Gegner der papsttreuen Guelfen; oV [Etym.: nach dem alten staufischen Besitz Waiblingen in Baden Württemberg] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Ghibelline — Ghi|bel|li|ne [gi...] vgl. ↑Gibelline … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Ghibelline — [ gɪbɪlʌɪn] noun a member of one of the two great political factions in Italian medieval politics, traditionally supporting the Holy Roman emperor against the Pope and his supporters, the Guelphs. Origin from Ital. Ghibellino, perh. from Ger.… … English new terms dictionary