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Firmware — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Una visión típica de la arquitectura de computadores como una serie de capas de abstracción: hardware, firmware, ensamblador, kernel, sistema operativo y aplicaciones … Wikipedia Español
firmware — firm‧ware [ˈfɜːmweə ǁ ˈfɜːrmwer] noun [uncountable] COMPUTING instructions to computers that are stored on chip S so that they can be done much faster, and cannot be changed or lost: • In order to download firmware from their website, you will… … Financial and business terms
firmware — FÍRMUĂR/ s. n. (inform.) microprograme elementare stocate în organele de memorie ale unui calculator, care nu se şterg, constituind pentru sistemele moderne o sursă indestructibilă deja elaborată. (< engl. firmware) Trimis de raduborza,… … Dicționar Român
firmware — software which resides in a less transient part of the computer s memory than a hard or floppy disk. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. 2010 … Law dictionary
firmware — (izg. fȉrmvēr) m DEFINICIJA inform. mikroprogram pohranjen u memoriji kompjutera (ROM) koji upravlja radom unesenog softvera ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
firmware — ► NOUN Computing ▪ permanent software programmed into a read only memory … English terms dictionary
firmware — [fʉrm′wer΄] n. a computer program stored on a ROM chip … English World dictionary
Firmware — In computing, firmware is a computer program that is embedded in a hardware device, for example a microcontroller. It can also be provided on flash memory or as a binary image file that can be uploaded onto existing hardware by a user.As its name … Wikipedia
Firmware — Unter Firmware (von engl. „firm“ = fest) versteht man Software, die in elektronische Geräte eingebettet ist. Sie ist zumeist in einem Flash Speicher, einem EPROM, EEPROM oder ROM gespeichert und durch den Anwender nicht oder nur mit speziellen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Firmware — Un firmware, parfois appelé micrologiciel, ou plus rarement logiciel interne ou logiciel embarqué, est un ensemble d instructions et de structures de données qui sont intégrées dans du matériel informatique que ce soit un ordinateur, un disque… … Wikipédia en Français