- fellah
- fellah "Egyptian peasant," 1743, from Arabic fallah "plowman," from falaha “to till the soil.”
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
fellah — [ fela; fɛlla ] n. m. • 1661; ar. fallâh « cultivateur » ♦ Paysan; petit propriétaire agricole (en Égypte, en Afrique du Nord, etc.). Les fellahs. ● fellah nom masculin (arabe fallāḥ) Paysan arabe. ● fellah (difficultés) nom masculin ( … Encyclopédie Universelle
Fellah — ( ar. فلاح) (plural Fellahin , فلاحين) is a peasant, farmer or agricultural laborer in the Middle East. The word derives from the Arabic word for ploughman or tiller . During the time of the spread of Islam, it was used to distinguish between… … Wikipedia
Fellah — Fel lah, n.; pl. Ar. {Fellahin}, E. {Fellahs}. [Ar.] A peasant or cultivator of the soil among the Egyptians, Syrians, etc. W. M. Thomson. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fellah — Fellah, in Ägypten u. Arabien die Landbebauer, im Gegensatz zu den nomadisirenden Beduinen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Fellah — (Plur. Fellahin, v. arab. felaha, pflügen, also »Bauer«), in Ägypten Name der Ackerbau treibenden Bevölkerung (s. Tafel »Afrikanische Völker I«, Fig. 5), fast drei Viertel derselben, die Nachkommen der alten Ägypter, wenngleich vielfach gemischt… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Fellah — Fellāh oder Fellāch (arab., »Bauer«), die in Dörfern wohnende und Ackerbau treibende Bevölkerung Ägyptens, die Nachkommen der alten Ägypter … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
fellah — [fel′ə] n. pl. fellahs [fel′əz] or fellaheen [Ar fallāh (pl. fallāḥīn), peasant, farmer < falaḥa, to plow] a peasant or farm laborer in an Arab country … English World dictionary
Fellah — Charles Gleyre, Trois fellahs, 1835 Un fellah[1] est un travailleur agricole du Moyen Orient, en Égypte et en Syrie en particulier. Pendant la période de diffusion de l islam au Moyen Orient, ce terme a été utilisé pour faire la dis … Wikipédia en Français
fellah — is., esk., Ar. fellāḥ 1) Çiftçi 2) Mısır köylüsü Bir Mısır turnesinde zengin bir fellah kendisine tutulmuş, nikâhla almıştı. R. H. Karay 3) Arap … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
FELLAH — the name applied contemptuously by the Turks to the agricultural labourer of Egypt; the Fellahin (pl. of Fellah) comprise about three fourths of the population; they are of good physique, and capable of much toil, but are, despite their… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia