
{{11}}fat (adj.) O.E. fætt "fat, fatted, plump, obese," originally a contracted pp. of fættian "to cram, stuff," from P.Gmc. *faitaz "fat" (Cf. O.Fris. fatt, O.N. feitr, Du. vet, Ger. feist), from PIE *poid- "to abound in water, milk, fat, etc." (Cf. Gk. piduein "to gush forth"), from root *peie- "to be fat, swell" (Cf. Skt. payate "swells, exuberates," Lith. pienas "milk," Gk. pion "fat, wealthy," L. pinguis "fat").
Teen slang meaning "attractive, up to date" (also later PHAT (Cf. phat)) is attested from 1951. Fat cat "privileged and rich person" is from 1928; fat chance "no chance at all" attested from 1906. Fathead is from 1842; fat-witted is from 1590s; fatso is first recorded 1944. Expression the fat is in the fire originally meant "the plan has failed" (1560s).
{{12}}fat (n.) mid-14c.; see FAT (Cf. fat) (v.). Figurative sense of "best or most rewarding part" is from 1560s.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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