
Frisbee 1957, trademark registered 1959 by Wham-O Co., the prototype modeled on pie tins from Mrs. Frisbie's Pies, made by the Frisbie Bakery of Bridgeport, Ct., U.S. Middlebury College students began tossing them around in the 1930s (though Yale and Princeton also claim to have discovered their aerodynamic qualities).
Thirteen years ago the Wham-O Manufacturing Company of San Gabriel, Calif., ... brought out the first Frisbee. Wham-O purchased the rights from a Los Angeles building inspector named Fred Morrison, who in turn had been inspired by the airworthy pie tins of the Frisbie Bakery in Bridgeport, Conn. (which went out of business in March of 1958). He changed the spelling to avoid legal problems. ["Sports Illustrated," Aug. 3, 1970]
The family name is attested in English records from 1226, from a place name in Leicestershire (Frisby on the Wreak), attested from 1086, from Old Danish, meaning "farmstead or village of the Frisians."

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • frisbee — [ frizbi ] n. m. • v. 1978; mot angl. amér.; marque déposée ♦ Anglic. Disque en plastique, légèrement bombé, destiné à être lancé (de façon à le faire planer) et renvoyé avec un mouvement de rotation. Par ext. Jeu qui se joue avec ce disque.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • frisbee® — {{hw}}{{frisbee®}}{{/hw}}s. m. inv. Nome commerciale di un leggero disco di plastica che si lancia in giochi singoli o a squadre | Il gioco stesso …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • frisbee — |frísbi| s. m. Disco de plástico destinado a planar ao ser lançado em rotação, usado como jogo. = DISCO VOADOR • Plural: frisbees.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa, de marca registrada …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Frisbee — (izg. frȉzbi) m DEFINICIJA plastična igračka plosnatog okruglog oblika sa zavrnutim rubom, baca se kroz zrak ETIMOLOGIJA engl. tvorničko ime proizvoda©, prema imenu kompanije koja je proizvodila metalne konzerve za pitu koje su se poslije… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • frisbee — ► NOUN trademark ▪ a plastic disc designed for skimming through the air as an outdoor game. ORIGIN said to be named after the pie tins of the Frisbie bakery in Connecticut …   English terms dictionary

  • Frisbee — ☆ Frisbee [friz′bē ] [altered < Frisbie: tins from “Mother Frisbie s” pies were orig. used for the game by students at Yale University] trademark for a plastic, saucer shaped disk sailed back and forth between players in a simple game n. [also …   English World dictionary

  • Frisbee® — /frizˈbi/ noun A plastic saucer shaped disc which can be made to skim through the air, used in various catching games, etc …   Useful english dictionary

  • Frisbee —  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Frisbee (attraction).  Un adolescent lance un frisbee. Le frisbee, ou disque volant, ou discoplane …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Frisbee — Ein Frisbee, auch Flugscheibe, Schwebedeckel, Segelscheibe oder Wurfscheibe genannt, ist ein meist aus Kunststoff gefertigtes, scheibenförmiges Sport und Freizeitgerät. Es wird durch aerodynamischen Auftrieb und Kreiselbewegung in der Luft… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Frisbee — Para otros usos de este término, véase Frisbee (desambiguación). Un frisbee profesional, fabricado por Wham O …   Wikipedia Español

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