
Friday O.E. frigedæg "Frigga's day," from Frige, gen. of Frig (see FRIGG (Cf. Frigg)), Germanic goddess of married love, a West Germanic translation of L. dies Veneris "day of (the planet) Venus," which itself translated Gk. Aphrodites hemera. Cf. O.N. frijadagr, O.Fris. frigendei, M.Du. vridach, Du. vrijdag, Ger. Freitag "Friday," and the Latin-derived cognates O.Fr. vendresdi, Fr. vendredi, Sp. viernes. In the Germanic pantheon, FREYA (Cf. Freya) (q.v.) corresponds more closely in character to Venus than Frigg does, and some early Icelandic writers used Freyjudagr for "Friday." Black Friday as the name for the busy shopping day after U.S. Thanksgiving holiday is said to date from 1960s and perhaps was coined by those who had the job of controlling the crowds, not by the merchants; earlier it was used principally of days when financial markets crashed.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Friday — (pronunciation IPAEng|ˈfraɪdeɪ, ˈfraɪdi) is the day of the week falling between Thursday and Saturday. It is the sixth day in countries that adopt a Sunday first convention. In ISO 8601, in work based customs, and in countries adopting Monday… …   Wikipedia

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  • Friday — ► NOUN ▪ the day of the week before Saturday and following Thursday. ► ADVERB 1) chiefly N. Amer. on Friday. 2) (Fridays) on Fridays; each Friday. ORIGIN Old English, named after the Germanic goddess Frigga …   English terms dictionary

  • Friday — [frī′dā; ] occas. [, frī′dē] n. [ME fridai < OE frigedæg, lit., day of the goddess FRIGG, akin to Ger Freitag, Du Vrijdag, Swed Fredag: transl. of LL Veneris dies (Fr vendredi), Venus day] 1. the sixth day of the week: abbrev. Fri or F 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • Friday — Fri day, n. [AS. friged[ae]g, fr. Frigu, the gooddes of marriage; friqu love + d[ae]g day; cf. Icel. Frigg name of a goddess, the wife of Odin or Wodan, OHG. Fr[=i]atag, Icel. Frj[=a]dagr. AS. frigu is prob. from the root of E. friend, free. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Friday — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Friday est un mot anglais signifiant vendredi. Etymologie: La déesse nordique freya (déesse de l amour et de la beauté) passe pour être à l origine de ce… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Friday — Fri|day [ˈfraıdi, deı] n [U and C] written abbreviation Fri. [: Old English; Origin: frigedAg day of Frigg, female god of love ] the day between Thursday and Saturday on Friday ▪ It s Kate s birthday on Friday. ▪ Diane won t be here Friday. AmE… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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