
expediate (v.) a 17c. error for EXPEDITE (Cf. expedite) that has gotten into the dictionaries.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Expediate — Ex*pe di*ate, v. t. [Cf. F. exp[ e]dier. See {Expedite}.] To hasten; to expedite. [Obs.] To expediate their business. Sir E. Sandys …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • expediate — verb To injure (a dog) by cutting away the pads of the forefeet, thereby preventing it from hunting. EXPEDIATE mdash;is a term tranſmitted from one book to another by former writers, but is at preſent little uſed in either <span style= font… …   Wiktionary

  • expediate — ikˈspēdēˌāt, ek transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: by alteration (influence of ate) : expedite fires had been lighted in the grate beneath the climbing boy in order to expediate his efforts Ireland s Magazine …   Useful english dictionary

  • expediate — ex·pe·di·ate …   English syllables

  • curier — CURIÉR, Ă, (1) curieri, e, s.m. şi f., (2) s.n., (3) curiere, s.n. 1. s.m. şi f. Factor poştal. ♦ Persoană (în serviciul unei instituţii) însărcinată să ducă la destinaţie corespondenţă, mesaje etc. ♦ Ştafetă. 2. s.n. (înv.) Corespondenţă care se …   Dicționar Român

  • factură — FACTÚRĂ2, facturi, s.f. Act justificativ privind vânzările şi cumpărările de mărfuri, lucrările executate şi serviciile prestate, precum şi mărfurile lăsate în păstrare; formular tipărit pe care se întocmeşte un astfel de act. – Din fr. facture.… …   Dicționar Român

  • ieşire — IEŞÍRE, ieşiri, s.f. I.1. Acţiunea de a ieşi şi rezultatul ei. ♢ Registru de intrare şi ieşire = registru în care se înscriu hârtiile oficiale sosite sau expediate (într o întreprindere sau instituţie). ♢ expr. Ieşire la lumină = apariţie,… …   Dicționar Român

  • Stabbing — A stabbing is the penetration of a sharp or pointed object at close range. Stab connotes purposeful action, as by an assassin or murderer, but it is also possible to accidentally stab oneself or others, although such stabbings are rarely serious… …   Wikipedia

  • Statutory holdback — or Contract holdback is the legal requirement found in most common law jurisdictions contract law that requires an owner engaging a contractor to hold a particular percentage of payment for a stipulated length of time. This is done to ensure that …   Wikipedia

  • Berar Sultanate — Berar was one of the Deccan sultanates. It was established 1490.Berar in Ancient HistoryThe origin of the name Berar or Warhad as it is spelled in Marathi, is not known. It is corruption of Warhadi, accopanying Prince Rukmini with her brother… …   Wikipedia

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