- exeunt
- exeunt stage direction, late 15c., from Latin, lit. "they go out," third person plural present indicative of exire (see EXIT (Cf. exit)).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Exeunt — Ex e*unt [L., 3d pers. pl. pres. of exire to go out.] They go out, or retire from the scene; as, exeunt all except Hamlet. See 1st {Exit}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exeunt — Exĕunt (lat.), sie gehen heraus (in Schauspielen zur Bezeichnung des Abtretens von Personen von der Bühne); exeunt omnes, alle ab! … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Exĕunt — (lat.), sie gehen, treten ab; e. omnes, alle ab! (szenische Anweisung in englischen Theaterstücken). Vgl. Exit … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
exeunt — ► VERB ▪ (as a stage direction) (actors) leave the stage. ORIGIN Latin, they go out … English terms dictionary
exeunt — [ek′sē oont΄, ek′sēunt΄] [L, 3d pers. pl., pres. indic., of exire: see EXIT] they (two or more specified characters) leave the stage: a stage direction … English World dictionary
exeunt — /ek see euhnt, oont /, v.i. (they) go offstage (used formerly as a stage direction, usually preceding the names of the characters): Exeunt soldiers and townspeople. [1475 85; < L, 3rd pers. pl. pres. indic. of exire to EXIT1] * * * … Universalium
exeunt — 1. noun /ˈɛksiənt/ A stage direction for more than one actor to leave the stage. 2. verb /ˈɛksiənt/ they leave the stage (a stage direction to two or more actors, the plural counterpart of exit) Get thee to bed, and rest; for thou hast need.… … Wiktionary
exeunt — ex•e•unt [[t]ˈɛk si ənt, ˌʊnt[/t]] v. i. sbz (they) go out (used as a stage direction): Exeunt soldiers and townspeople[/ex] • Etymology: 1475–85; < L, 3rd pers. pl. pres. indic. of exīre to go out; see exit I … From formal English to slang
exeunt — they go out . ♦ exeunt omnes all go out … Dictionary of difficult words
exeunt — v.intr. (as a stage direction) (actors) leave the stage. Phrases and idioms: exeunt omnes all leave the stage. Etymology: L, = they go out: 3rd pl. pres. of exire go out: see EXIT … Useful english dictionary