
Fatimid Arab dynasty that ruled 908-1171 in N.Africa and sometimes Egypt and Syria, from Fatima, daughter of Muhammad by his first wife, Khadija; Fatima married Ali, and from them the dynasty claimed descent.

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  • Fatimid — [fat′imīt΄fat′i mid΄] adj. 1. descended from Mohammed s daughter, Fatima 2. designating or of a dynasty of Muslim rulers, descended from Fatima and Ali, that ruled over Egyptian Islam and parts of N Africa (909 1171) n. any Fatimid ruler or… …   English World dictionary

  • Fatimid — /ˈfætəməd/ (say fatuhmuhd) noun 1. a member of an Islamic dynasty (Fatimid Dynasty or Fatimid Caliphate) that ruled in North Africa and later parts of the Middle East from 909 to 1171, claiming descent from Fatima (def. 1) and her husband Ali. 2 …  

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  • Fatimid — /fat euh mid/, n. 1. any caliph of the North African dynasty, 909 1171, claiming descent from Fatima and Ali. 2. any descendant of Fatima and Ali. Also, Fatimite /fat euh muyt /. [1720 30] * * * …   Universalium

  • Fatimid — noun A member of a Muslim dynasty in North Africa and Egypt (Approx CE 900 1200). Syn: Fatimite …   Wiktionary

  • Fatimid — [ fatɪmɪd] noun a member of a dynasty which ruled in parts of northern Africa, Egypt, and Syria from 909 to 1171. Derivatives Fatimite noun Origin named after Fatima, youngest daughter of Muhammad, from whom the dynasty is said to have descended …   English new terms dictionary

  • fatimid — fat·i·mid …   English syllables

  • Fatimid — Fat•i•mid [[t]ˈfæt ə mɪd[/t]] also Fat•i•mite [[t] ˌmaɪt[/t]] n. 1) anh why any caliph of the North African dynasty, 909–1171, claiming descent from Fatima and Ali 2) why any descendant of Fatima and Ali • Etymology: 1720–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • fatimid — n. (also Fatimite) 1 a descendant of Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad. 2 a member of a dynasty ruling in N. Africa in the 10th 12th c …   Useful english dictionary

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