
eidetic "pertaining to the faculty of projecting images," 1924, from Ger. eidetisch, coined by German psychologist Erich Jaensch (1883-1940), from Gk. eidetikos "pertaining to images," also "pertaining to knowledge," from eidesis "knowledge," from eidos "form, shape" (see -OID (Cf. -oid)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • eidetic — EIDÉTIC, Ă, eidetici, ce, adj 1. Care ţine de eidetism. 2. (psih.) Care provine din imaginaţie. [pr.: e i ] – Din fr. eidétique. Trimis de LauraGellner, 10.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  eidétic adj.m. (sil. e i ), pl. eidétici; f. sg …   Dicționar Român

  • eidetic — index distinct (clear) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • eidetic — [ī det′ik] adj. [Gr eidētikos, constituting a figure < eidos, what is seen, shape: see OID] designating or of mental images that are unusually vivid and almost photographically exact eidetically adv …   English World dictionary

  • eidetic — adjective Etymology: Greek eidētikos of a form, from eidos form more at wise Date: circa 1924 marked by or involving extraordinarily accurate and vivid recall especially of visual images < an eidetic memory > • eidetically adverb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • eidetic — adjective /aɪˈdɛtɪk/ Pertaining to a memory or mental image of perfect clarity, as though actually visible; or to a person able to see such memories. ‘Funny that I should remember it? I have an eidetic memory for numbers, cant help it …   Wiktionary

  • eidetic — 1. Relating to the power of visualization of and memory for objects previously seen which reaches its height in children aged 8 to 10. 2. A person possessing this power to a high degree. [G. eidon, saw (aorist of verb)] * * * ei·det·ic ī det ik… …   Medical dictionary

  • eidetic — ei•det•ic [[t]aɪˈdɛt ɪk[/t]] adj. pertaining to or constituting visual impressions recalled vividly and readily reproducible with great accuracy: eidetic imagery[/ex] • Etymology: 1920–25; < Gk eidētikós, der. of eîd(os) form, shape …   From formal English to slang

  • eidetic — adj. & n. adj. Psychol. (of a mental image) having unusual vividness and detail, as if actually visible. n. a person able to see eidetic images. Derivatives: eidetically adv. Etymology: G eidetisch f. Gk eidetikos f. eidos form …   Useful english dictionary

  • Eidetic memory — Eidetic memory, photographic memory, or total recall is the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme accuracy and in abundant volume. The word eidetic (pronEng|аɪˈdɛtɪk) means related to extraordinarily detailed and… …   Wikipedia

  • Eidetic reduction — is a technique in the study of essences in phenomenology whose goal is to identify the basic components of phenomena. Eidetic reduction requires that a phenomenologist examine the essence of a mental object, be it a simple mental act, or the… …   Wikipedia

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