
egoist 1785, in metaphysics, “one who maintains there is no evidence of the existence of anything but the self” (taking ego in a sense of “thinking subject”), from Fr. égoiste (1755); see EGO (Cf. ego) + -IST (Cf. -ist). Meaning “selfish person” is from 1879. Related: Egoistic; egoistical.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • egoist — EGOÍST, Ă, egoişti, ste, adj. (Adesea substantivat) Stăpânit de egoism; determinat de egoism, care denotă egoism. – Din fr. égoïste. Trimis de RACAI, 31.10.2008. Sursa: DEX 98  Egoist ≠ altruist, marinimos Trimis de siveco, 29.10.2007. Sursa:… …   Dicționar Român

  • Egoist — may refer to:*egoist, someone with a philosophical self involvement amounting to egoism (who may or may not be an egotist, i.e. a person with the trait of selfishness) * The Egoist (novel) , a novel from 1879 by George Meredith * The Egoist… …   Wikipedia

  • Egoist — E go*ist, n. [F. [ e]go[ i]ste. See {Egoism}.] 1. One given overmuch to egoism or thoughts of self. [1913 Webster] I, dullard egoist, taking no special recognition of such nobleness. Carlyle. [1913 Webster] 2. (Philos.) A believer in egoism …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • egoist — egòist m DEFINICIJA psih. onaj koji svoje interese stavlja iznad svega drugog, koji radi u svoju korist na štetu drugoga; egotist, sebičnjak, opr. altruist ETIMOLOGIJA vidi ego …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • egoist — [ē′gōist, eg′ōist] n. [Fr égoïste < L ego: see I2] 1. a person who is self centered or selfish 2. a conceited person; egotist 3. a person who accepts the doctrine of egoism …   English World dictionary

  • Egoist — eigenes Interesse; Eigennützigkeit; Eigensinn; Eigennutz; Egoismus * * * Ego|ist [ego ɪst], der; en, en, Ego|is|tin [ego ɪstɪn], die; , nen: Person, die egoistisch ist: ein rücksichtsloser Egoist. * * * Ego|ịst 〈m. 16〉 jmd., der egoistisch ist;… …   Universal-Lexikon

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