
drumstick (n.) 1580s, from DRUM (Cf. drum) (n.) + STICK (Cf. stick) (n.); applied to the lower joint of cooked fowl 1764.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Drumstick — can mean: Drum stick, a tool for playing drums Drumstick (vegetable) Drumstick (ice cream), a brand of ice cream Drumstick (poultry), the leg of a bird Drumstick (video game character), a video game character found in Diddy Kong Racing Drumstick …   Wikipedia

  • Drumstick — Drum stick , n. 1. A stick with which a drum is beaten. [1913 Webster] 2. Anything resembling a drumstick in form; applied especially to the tibiotarsus, or second joint, of the leg of a fowl, when cooked and served at the table. [1913 Webster… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • drumstick — ► NOUN 1) a stick used for beating a drum. 2) the lower joint of the leg of a cooked fowl …   English terms dictionary

  • drumstick — [drum′stik΄] n. 1. a stick for beating a drum 2. the lower half of the leg of a cooked fowl …   English World dictionary

  • drumstick — UK [ˈdrʌmˌstɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms drumstick : singular drumstick plural drumsticks 1) music a stick used for playing a drum 2) the lower part of the leg of a chicken or other bird, cooked and eaten as food …   English dictionary

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  • Drumstick — Drum|stick [...stik] das; s, s <aus engl. drumstick »Trommelschlägel«> nur bei weiblichen Individuen vorkommender trommelschlägelähnlicher Auswuchs an den Zellkernen von ↑Leukozyten (Bestimmungsmerkmal für die Geschlechtsdiagnose; Biol.,… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • drumstick — [[t]drʌ̱mstɪk[/t]] drumsticks 1) N COUNT: usu pl A drumstick is the lower part of the leg of a bird such as a chicken which is cooked and eaten. 2) N COUNT Drumsticks are sticks used for beating a drum …   English dictionary

  • Drumstick (ice cream) — Drumstick is the brand name for a variety of ice cream cones sold in the United States, Australia, Canada, Malaysia, and other countries across the world. The original product was invented by I.C. Parker of The Drumstick Company in 1928, with the …   Wikipedia

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