- drachma
- drachma 1570s, from Gk. drakhme, an Attic coin and weight, probably originally "a handful" (see DRAM (Cf. dram)). Earlier as dragme (late 14c.), from O.Fr. dragme, from M.L. dragma.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Etymology dictionary. 2014.
Drachma — • A Greek silver coin Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Drachma Drachma † Catholic … Catholic encyclopedia
DRACHMA — Gr. Δραχμὴ, genus nummi, quod interdum λεπτὸν ὁλκὴν, ὀβολὸν, δηνἀριον, quoque iidem dicebant, Romanis Denarius fuit, h. e. sesterti quatuor. Quod ad pondus, septem drachmae unciam incurrunt; unde consequitur, cum libra sit 12. unciarum, 84.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Drachma — Drach ma, n.; pl. E. {Drachmas}, L. {Drachm[ae]}. [L., fr. Gr. ?. See {Dram}.] 1. A silver coin among the ancient Greeks, having a different value in different States and at different periods. The average value of the Attic drachma is computed to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Drachma — (Drachme, gr.), 1) antike Silbermünze von verschiedenem Werthe: a) die D. von Abacänum (in Sicilien), = 8 Sgr.; b) von Ägina = 12 Sgr.; c) von Alexandria = 10 Sgr. 11 Pf.; d) die große attische = 7 Sgr.; e) die mittlere attische = 61/2 Sgr.; f)… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
drachma — drachmà sf. (2) TrpŽ 1. Graikijos piniginis vienetas. 2. senovinis vaistinių svorio matas, lygus 3,732 g … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
drachma — a silver coin of ancient Greece (and the monetary unit of modern Greece before the introduction of the euro in 2002), has the plural form drachmas … Modern English usage
drachma — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż Ia, CMc. drachmamie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} jednostka monetarna we współczesnej Grecji {{/stl 7}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}2. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} srebrna moneta bita w… … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
drachma — ► NOUN (pl. drachmas or drachmae) 1) the basic monetary unit of Greece. 2) a silver coin of ancient Greece. ORIGIN Greek drakhm , an Attic weight and coin … English terms dictionary
drachma — [drak′mə] n. pl. drachmas, drachmae [drak′mē] drachmai [drak′mī΄] [L < Gr drachmē, lit., a handful < drassesthai, to grasp, take by handfuls < IE base * dergh , to grip > TARGE] 1. an ancient Greek silver coin 2. an ancient Greek unit … English World dictionary
drachma — drachmal, adj. /drak meuh, drahk /, n., pl. drachmas, drachmae / mee/. 1. a cupronickel coin and monetary unit of modern Greece, equal to 100 lepta. Abbr.: dr., drch. 2. the principal silver coin of ancient Greece. 3. a small unit of weight in… … Universalium