Elgin Marbles

Elgin Marbles
Elgin Marbles 1809, sculptures and marbles (especially from the frieze of the Parthenon) brought from Greece to England and sold to the British government by Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin (1766-1841).

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  • Elgin Marbles — im British Museum. Unter Elgin Marbles versteht man die Teile des Skulpturenschmuckes von Bauten der Akropolis von Athen, die heute im British Museum in London ausgestellt sind. Es handelt sich dabei u.a. um Teile des Panathenäen Frieses, einige… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Elgin marbles — El gin mar bles Greek sculptures in the British Museum. They were obtained at Athens, about 1811, by Lord Elgin. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Elgin Marbles — Elgin Marbles, s. Elgin 1) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Elgin Marbles —   [ elgɪn mɑːblz], die von Thomas Bruce, Earl of Elgin 1803 12 von Griechenland nach England gebrachten und 1816 vom britischen Staat angekauften Marmorskulpturen, v. a. die Parthenonskulpturen der Athener Akropolis (London, British Museum). Die… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Elgin marbles — [el′gin] n. [after 7th Earl of Elgin (1766 1841), who brought them to England] a collection of ancient Athenian marble sculptures taken chiefly from the Parthenon, in the British Museum since 1816 …   English World dictionary

  • Elgin Marbles — The Elgin Marbles, also known as the Parthenon Marbles, are a collection of classical Greek marble sculptures, inscriptions and architectural members that originally belonged to the Parthenon and other buildings on the Acropolis of Athens. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Elgin marbles — /el gin, jin/ a group of Greek sculptures of the 5th century B.C., originally on the Parthenon in Athens, and supposedly sculptured under the direction of Phidias: presently in the British Museum in London. [after Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin… …   Universalium

  • ELGIN MARBLES —    a collection of ancient sculptured marbles brought from Athens by the Earl of Elgin in 1812, and now deposited in the British Museum, after purchase of them by the Government for £35,000; these sculptures adorned certain public buildings in… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Elgin Marbles — El|gin Mar|bles, the a set of ancient Greek ↑sculptures from the ↑Parthenon in Athens, which were brought to Britain by the Earl of Elgin in 1803, and are kept in the ↑British Museum in London …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Elgin marbles — /ɛlgən ˈmabəlz/ (say elguhn mahbuhlz) plural noun Greek sculpture of the 5th century BC, originally on the Parthenon in Athens, and thought to have been sculptured under the direction of Phidias; now in the British Museum in London. {after Thomas …  

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