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deprogram — ☆ deprogram [dē prō′gram΄, dē prō′grəm ] vt. deprogrammed or deprogramed, deprogramming or deprograming to cause to abandon a rigid commitment to certain beliefs, values, etc., as those of a religious cult, by undoing the effects of… … English World dictionary
deprogram — transitive verb Date: 1973 to dissuade or try to dissuade from strongly held convictions (as religious beliefs) or a firmly established or innate behavior < the necessity of countering propaganda and deprogramming the indoctrinated Toni Cade… … New Collegiate Dictionary
deprogram — deprogrammer, deprogramer, n. /dee proh gram/, v.t., deprogrammed or deprogramed, deprogramming or deprograming. 1. to free (a convert) from the influence of a religious cult, political indoctrination, etc., by intensive persuasion or reeducation … Universalium
deprogram — verb To counteract the effects of previous programming or brainwashing, especially in an attempt to persuade a person to abandon his allegiance to a cult … Wiktionary
deprogram — de·pro·gram or chiefly Brit de·pro·gramme (.)dē prō .gram, grəm vt, grammed also gramed; gramming also graming to dissuade or try to dissuade from strongly held convictions (as of a religious nature) or a firmly established or innate behavior… … Medical dictionary
deprogram — v. free from a bad influence, release from an addiction; retrain, teach new behavioral patterns … English contemporary dictionary
deprogram — verb (T) to help someone who has been involved in a religious cult to stop obeying its orders and to start thinking for themselves again … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
deprogram — de·program … English syllables
deprogram — de•pro•gram [[t]diˈproʊ græm[/t]] v. t. grammed gramed, gram•ming gram•ing cvb soc to free (a person) from the influence of a cult, sect, etc., by intensive and systematic reeducation • Etymology: 1970–75, amer. de•pro′gram•mer, de•pro′gram•er, n … From formal English to slang
deprogram — /diˈproʊgræm/ (say dee prohgram) verb (t) (deprogrammed, deprogramming) to reverse the influence of a process of religious, political, or other indoctrination on (someone). –deprogramming, noun –deprogrammer, noun …