
deodand 1520s, from Anglo-Fr. deodande (late 13c.), from M.L. deodandum, from Deo dandum "a thing to be given to God," from dative of deus "god" (see ZEUS (Cf. Zeus)) + neuter gerundive of dare "to give" (see DATE (Cf. date) (1)). In English law, "a personal chattel which, having been the immediate cause of the death of a person, was forfeited to the Crown to be applied to pious uses." Abolished 1846.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Deodand — De o*dand , n. [LL. deodandum, fr. L. Deo dandum to be given to God.] (Old Eng. Law) A personal chattel which had caused the death of a person, and for that reason was given to God, that is, forfeited to the crown, to be applied to pious uses,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deodand — (spr. Diodänd, v. lat. Deo dandus, Gotte zu gebend), verfallenes Gut, es bestehe in leblosen Gegenständen od. Thieren, welches wegen eines verursachten Schadens, z.B. Tödtung od. Verletzung eines Menschen, dem Beschädigten od. dessen Erben zu… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Deodánd — (v. lat. Deo dandum, »Gott zu geben«), im Mittelalter ein Gut, das wegen eines verursachten Schadens, z. B. Tötung oder Verletzung eines Menschen, verwirkt war und dem Beschädigten oder dessen Erben oder dem Staat anheimfiel oder zu einem… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Deodand — Deodand, lat., Gott zu gebendes, verfallenes Gut, das der Eigenthümer nicht mehr benützen darf, weil es Schaden oder Unglück verursachte. So wurde nach mosaischem Gesetz der Ochse, welcher einen Menschen tödtete, gesteiniget, nach engl. wird er… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • deodand — the doctrine of common law by which an article that caused death was forfeit to the Crown. It was abolished in 1846 after railway engines had been held forfeit in this way. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 …   Law dictionary

  • deodand — [dē′ō dand΄] n. [Anglo Fr deodande < ML(Ec) deodandum < Deo dandum, lit., to be given to God < L Deo, dat. of Deus, God + dandum, ger. of dare, to give: see DATE1] Eng. Law Historical an item of personal property, as an animal, that… …   English World dictionary

  • Deodand — For the fictional creature from Jack Vance s Dying Earth, see Deodand (fictional creature). Not to be confused with Deobandi. Deodand is a thing forfeited or given to God, specifically, in law, an object or instrument which becomes forfeit… …   Wikipedia

  • Deodand (fictional creature) — In Jack Vance s Dying Earth fiction, the Deodand is a recurring creature.It is carnivorous, malicious, and sentient, and is described by Vance as formed and featured like a handsome man, finely muscled, but with a dead black lusterless skin and… …   Wikipedia

  • deodand — /dee euh dand /, n. Eng. Law. (before 1846) an animal or article that, having been the immediate cause of the death of a human being, was forfeited to the crown to be applied to pious uses. [1520 30; < ML deodandum (a thing) to be given to God …   Universalium

  • deodand — n. animal or object which caused the death of a human being and as a result was given to the crown and put to charitable use (according to an English law which was abolished in 1846) …   English contemporary dictionary

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