
Disneyland in figurative sense of "land of make-believe" first recorded 1956, from U.S. entertainment park (opened in 1955) created by cartoonist Walter E. DISNEY (Cf. Disney) (1901-1966).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Disneyland™ — [Disneyland] the original US ↑amusement park opened by Walt ↑Disney in 1955 at Anaheim, ↑California. It is divided into different ‘lands’ such as Adventureland, Frontierland and Tomorrowland, and also has hotels, restaurants and theatres. Similar …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Disneyland — /diz nee land / 1. Trademark. a large amusement park in Anaheim, Calif.: prototypical theme park. n. 2. any large, bustling place noted for its colorful attractions: The new shopping center has become an after hours Disneyland. 3. a land or place …   Universalium

  • Disneyland — noun /dɪzniːlænd/ a) The archetypical theme park, located in Anaheim, California. With its talking statuary, its enormous and elaborate monuments and museums, and its variety of daily shows, it has become a Disneyland of the dead... b) A place… …   Wiktionary

  • Disneyland{™} — the original US amusement park opened by Walt Disney in 1955 at Anaheim, California. It is divided into different ‘lands’ such as Adventureland, Frontierland and Tomorrowland, and also has hotels, restaurants and theatres. Similar parks built… …   Universalium

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