
dateline (n.) 1880, imaginary line down the Pacific Ocean on which the calendar day begins and ends, from DATE (Cf. date) (n.1) + LINE (Cf. line) (n.). Meaning "line of text that tells the date and place of origin of a newspaper, article, telegram, etc." is from 1888.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • dateline — [dāt′līn΄] n. ☆ 1. the date and place of writing or issue, as given in a line in a letter, a newspaper, a dispatch, etc. 2. INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE vt. datelined, datelining ☆ to furnish with a dateline …   English World dictionary

  • Dateline — For NBC news show, see Dateline NBC. For other uses, see Dateline (disambiguation). A dateline is a brief piece of text included in news articles that describes where and when the story occurred, or was written or filed, though the date is often… …   Wikipedia

  • dateline — noun Date: 1888 1. a line in a written document or a printed publication giving the date and place of composition or issue 2. (usually date line) international date line • dateline transitive verb …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dateline — /dayt luyn /, n., v., datelined, datelining. n. 1. a line giving the place of origin and usually the date of a news dispatch or the like. v.t. 2. to furnish (a news story) with a dateline: He datelines his reports Damascus. [1885 90; DATE1 +… …   Universalium

  • dateline — 1. noun A line at the beginning of a document (such as a newspaper article) stating the date and place of origin. 2. verb To attach a dateline to a particular document …   Wiktionary

  • dateline — date•line [[t]ˈdeɪtˌlaɪn[/t]] n. v. lined, lin•ing 1) jou a line at the beginning of a news dispatch, giving the place of origin and usu. the date 2) to furnish (a news story) with a dateline • Etymology: 1885–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • dateline — I noun 1. an imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the 180th meridian • Syn: ↑date line, ↑International Date Line • Instance Hypernyms: ↑meridian, ↑line of longitude …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dateline NBC — Format Newsmagazine Presented by Jane Pauley (1992–2003) Stone Phillips (1992–2007) Ann Curry (200 …   Wikipedia

  • Dateline (Australian TV program) — Dateline Genre Current affairs Presented by Mark Davis Yalda Hakim Country of origin …   Wikipedia

  • Dateline: Toronto —   …   Wikipedia

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