
cousin (n.) mid-12c., from O.Fr. cosin (12c., Mod.Fr. cousin) "nephew, kinsman, cousin," from L. consobrinus "cousin," originally "mother's sister's son," from com- "together" (see COM- (Cf. com-)) + sobrinus (earlier *sosrinos) "cousin on mother's side," from soror (gen. sororis) "sister." It. cugino, Dan. kusine, Pol. kuzyn also are from French. Ger. vetter is from O.H.G. fetiro "uncle."
Many IE languages (including Irish, Sanskrit, Slavic, and some of the Germanic tongues) have or had separate words for some or all of the eight possible "cousin" relationships, e.g. Latin, which along with consobrinus had consobrina "mother's sister's daughter," patruelis "father's brother's son," atruelis "mother's brother's son," amitinus "father's sister's son," etc. O.E. distinguished fæderan sunu "father's brother's son," modrigan sunu "mother's sister's son," etc.
Words for cousin tend to drift to "nephew" on the notion of "father's nephew." Used familiarly as a term of address since early 15c., especially in Cornwall. Phrase kissing cousin is Southern U.S. expression, 1940s, apparently denoting "those close enough to be kissed in salutation;" Kentish cousin (1796) is an old British term for "distant relative."

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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