
contrapposto 1903, from It. contrapposto, pp. of contrapporre, from L. contraponere (see CONTRAPOSITION (Cf. contraposition)).

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Contrapposto — is an Italian term that means counterpose. It is used in the visual arts to describe a human figure standing with most of its weight on one foot so that its shoulders and arms twist off axis from the hips and legs. This gives the figure a more… …   Wikipedia

  • Contrapposto — es un término italiano para designar la oposición armónica de las distintas partes del cuerpo de la figura humana, lo que proporciona cierto movimiento y contribuye a romper la ley de la frontalidad. Fue el escultor Policleto quien lo puso en… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • contrapposto — ● contrapposto nom masculin (italien contrapposto) Dans une statue, position debout au repos dans laquelle le poids du corps se reporte sur une seule jambe, cependant que l épaule au dessus de cette jambe remonte (hanchement contrarié) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • contrapposto — /kontra p:osto/ [part. pass. di contrapporre ]. ■ agg. [che è in opposizione logica, ideale: caratteri, principi c. ] ▶◀ antitetico, contrastante, opposto. ◀▶ coincidente, concorde. ■ s.m., non com. 1. [cosa o persona che si contrappone ad altra …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • Contrapposto — Copie d une statue de Polyclète en contrapposto. Le contrapposto ou hanchement désigne dans les arts visuels une attitude du corps humain où l une des deux jambes porte le poids du corps, l autre étant laissée libre et légèrement fléchie. Dans la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • contrapposto — /kohn treuh pos toh/, n., pl. contrappostos. Fine Arts. a representation of the human body in which the forms are organized on a varying or curving axis to provide an asymmetrical balance to the figure. [1900 05; < It < L contrapositus, ptp. of… …   Universalium

  • Contrapposto —    The posing of figures in sculpture and painting that imitates the natural human stance. When the human body stands in a relaxed pose, one leg bears its weight (the engaged leg) while the other remains free. In this position, the hips and… …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

  • Contrapposto — Hermes por Praxíteles. Contrapposto o chiasmo es un término italiano que designa la oposición armónica de las distintas partes del cuerpo de la figura humana, lo que proporciona cierto movimiento y contribuye a romper la ley de la frontalidad. Se …   Wikipedia Español

  • Contrapposto —    Italian term for a technique developed by ancient Greek sculptors to represent the human figure standing at ease in a relaxed and natural stance. It was based on an intentional assymetry of stance, with one leg carrying most of the body s… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • contrapposto — con·trap·pó·sto p.pass., agg., s.m. 1. p.pass. → contrapporre, contrapporsi 2a. agg. CO opposto, antitetico: avere personalità contrapposte Sinonimi: antitetico, contrario. 2b. s.m. BU ciò che si contrappone: fare, servire da contrapposto a qcn.… …   Dizionario italiano

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