Commendation — Com men*da tion, n. [L. commendatio.] 1. The act of commending; praise; favorable representation in words; recommendation. [1913 Webster] Need we . . . epistles of commendation? 2 Cor. iii. 1. [1913 Webster] By the commendation of the great… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Commendation — (v. lat.), 1) Empfehlung, Lob; 2) (Lehnrecht), die Handlung, wenn man Einem etwas zur Verwahrung übergibt, wenn sich Einer[301] unter eines Anderen Schutz begibt sich als Vasall unterwirft, wenn Einer sein Gut einem Anderen auf Lebenszeit od. auf … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
commendation — index consent, credit (recognition), estimation (esteem), honor (outward respect), mention (tribute) … Law dictionary
commendation — [n] giving of praise; acclaim acclamation, approbation, approval, award, bouquet, Brownie points*, credit, encomium, encouragement, good opinion, honor, panegyric, pat on the back*, pat on the head*, pay, plum, points*, posy, PR*, puff, pumping… … New thesaurus
commendation — [käm΄ən dā′shən] n. [ME commendacion < L commendatio] 1. the act of commending; esp., recommendation or praise 2. [pl.] Archaic greetings or regards, as to a friend … English World dictionary
commendation — n. a commendation for (a commendation for bravery) * * * [ˌkɒmən deɪʃ(ə)n] a commendation for (a commendation for bravery) … Combinatory dictionary
commendation — /kom euhn day sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of commending; recommendation; praise: commendation for a job well done. 2. something that commends, as a formal recommendation or an official citation or award: a commendation for bravery. 3. Feudal Law. the… … Universalium
commendation — noun 1) letters of commendation Syn: praise, congratulation, appreciation; acclaim, credit, recognition, respect, esteem, admiration, homage, tribute 2) a commendation for bravery Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
commendation — UK [ˌkɒmenˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] / US [ˌkɑmənˈdeɪʃ(ə)n] noun Word forms commendation : singular commendation plural commendations 1) [uncountable] formal official or public praise 2) [countable] an official prize given to someone who has done something very… … English dictionary
commendation — Ho omaika i. ♦ Letter of commendation, palapala ho omaika i … English-Hawaiian dictionary