
appendix (n.) 1540s, "subjoined addition to a document or book," from L. appendix "an addition, continuation, something attached," from appendere (see APPEND (Cf. append)). Used for "small outgrowth of an internal organ" from 1610s, especially in reference to the vermiform appendix. This sense perhaps from or influenced by Fr. appendix, where the term was in use from 1540s.

Etymology dictionary. 2014.

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  • Appendix — Appendix, from the Latin word of the same name, may refer to an Index / Bibliography. * In book design , an appendix is a reference section at the end of a book (see Addendum#Books) * In anatomy, a section at the end of an organ; in particular… …   Wikipedia

  • Appendix — Appendix, Plural: Appendizes, Appendices oder Appendixe ist das lateinische Wort für „Anhang“. Während es im lateinischen feminin ist (die Appendix), wird es im Deutschen oft als maskulin (der Appendix) angesehen. Verschiedene Wissenschaften… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • appendix — ap‧pen‧dix [əˈpendɪks] noun appendixes PLURALFORM or appendices PLURALFORM [ dɪsiːz] [countable] a part at the end of a book, document, or report, containing additional or useful information: • Further details of the 60 films used in this study… …   Financial and business terms

  • Appendix — Ap*pen dix, n.; pl. E. {Appendixes}, L. {Appendices}. [L. appendix, dicis, fr. appendere. See {Append}.] 1. Something appended or added; an appendage, adjunct, or concomitant. [1913 Webster] Normandy became an appendix to England. Sir M. Hale.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • appendix — I (accession) noun accessory, additament, adiungere, annexation, appendage, attachment, complement, extension, inclusion, insertion, pendant II (supplement) noun accessio, addendum, addere …   Law dictionary

  • appendix — appendix, addendum, supplement designate additional matter subjoined to a book. Appendix is used of appended material which contributes (as by way of illustration, amplification, or citation of documents) to the effectiveness of a treatment that… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • appendix — [ə pen′diks] n. pl. appendixes or appendices [ə pen′də sēz΄] [L, appendage < appendere, APPEND] 1. additional or supplementary material at the end of a book or other writing 2. Anat. an outgrowth of an organ; esp., the VERMIFORM APPENDIX: see… …   English World dictionary

  • Appendix — (lat.), 1) Anhang, s.d. bes. 1) u. 2); 2) (Appendicula, Anat.), kleinere End od. Seitenstücke größerer Theile; 3) so v.w. Fortsatz; so A. vermicularis od. vermiformis intestīni coei, so v.w. Wurmfortsatz des Blinddarms, nur dem Menschen u.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Appendix — Appendix, der Füllansatz des Luftballons, s. Ballon …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

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