- do
- {{11}}do (n.) first (and last) note of the diatonic scale, by 1754, from It. do, used as a substitution for ut (see GAMUT (Cf. gamut)). U.S. slang do-re-mi "money" is from 1920s, probably a pun on dough in its slang sense of "cash."{{12}}do (v.) M.E. do, first person singular of O.E. don "make, act, perform, cause; to put, to place," from W.Gmc. *don (Cf. O.S. duan, O.Fris. dua, Du. doen, O.H.G. tuon, Ger. tun), from PIE root *dhe- "to put, place, do, make" (see FACTITIOUS (Cf. factitious)).Use as an auxiliary began in Middle English. Periphrastic form in negative sentences ("They did not think") replaced the Old English negative particles ("Hie ne wendon"). Slang meaning "to do the sex act with or to" is from 1913. Expression do or die is attested from 1620s. Cf. DOES (Cf. does), DID (Cf. did), DONE (Cf. done).
Etymology dictionary. 2014.