1The Subject Bible — is an edition of the King James Bible which combines a traditional Bible text with a topical Bible in a single volume. This Bible was prepared by Dr. Everette Gaddy. Gaddy is a Tennessee bible salesman [… …
2The Subject Was Roses — Infobox Play name = The Subject Was Roses image size = caption = writer = Frank D. Gilroy characters = John Cleary Nettie Cleary Timmy Cleary setting = the Cleary s apartment, 1946 premiere = May 25 1964 place = Royale Theatre New York City, New… …
3The False Subtlety of the Four Syllogistic Figures — Proved ( Die falsche Spitzfindigkeit der vier syllogistischen Figuren erwiesen ) was an essay published by Immanuel Kant in 1762.ection I General conception of the Nature of Ratiocination A judgment is the comparison of a subject or thing with a… …
4Subject — may refer to: *An area of interest, also called a topic meaning , thing you are talking or discussing about . It can also be termed as the area of discussion . See Lists of topics and Lists of basic topics. **An area of knowledge; **The focus of… …
5The Autobiography of Malcolm X — The Autobiography of Malcolm X   First edition …
6Subject — Sub*ject , n. [From L. subjectus, through an old form of F. sujet. See {Subject}, a.] 1. That which is placed under the authority, dominion, control, or influence of something else. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically: One who is under the authority… …
7The Hidden (video game) — The Hidden is a multiplayer total conversion for the popular Half Life 2 computer game. The gameplay revolves around the retrieval of an escaped research subject with the twist that the subject is highly agile, incredibly strong and nearly… …
8The World as Will and Representation — The title page of the expanded 1844 publication The World as Will and Representation (Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung) is the central work of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. The first edition was published in December 1818,[1] and… …
9Subject-Subject Consciousness — Subject SUBJECT consciousness, a concept proposed by Harry Hay believed by Hay to be queer people s unique perspective on the world. Hay saw heterosexual society existing in a subject object dynamic; where men, who had the culturally acceptable… …
10The Rape of the Sabine Women — ( in this context meaning kidnapping ( raptio ) rather than its prevalent modern meaning of sexual violation) is an episode in the legendary early history of Rome narrated by Livy and Plutarch ( Parallel Lives II, 15 and 19). It provided a… …