1The massacre in the Main Temple — of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan is an episode in the Spanish conquest of Mexico which occurred on May 10, 1520.While Hernán Cortés was in Tenochtitlan, he heard about other Spaniards arriving on the coast ndash; Pánfilo de Narváez had come from …
2The main chance — Chance Chance (ch[.a]ns), n. [F. chance, OF. cheance, fr. LL. cadentia a allusion to the falling of the dice), fr. L. cadere to fall; akin to Skr. [,c]ad to fall, L. cedere to yield, E. cede. Cf. {Cadence}.] 1. A supposed material or psychical… …
3For the main — Main Main, n. [AS. m[ae]gen strength, power, force; akin to OHG. magan, Icel. megin, and to E. may, v. [root]103. See {May}, v.] 1. Strength; force; might; violent effort. [Obs., except in certain phrases.] [1913 Webster] There were in this… …
4In the main — Main Main, n. [AS. m[ae]gen strength, power, force; akin to OHG. magan, Icel. megin, and to E. may, v. [root]103. See {May}, v.] 1. Strength; force; might; violent effort. [Obs., except in certain phrases.] [1913 Webster] There were in this… …
5in the main — {adv. phr.}, {formal} In most cases; generally; usually. * /In the main, small boys and dogs are good friends./ * /In the main, the pupils did well on the test./ …
6in the main — {adv. phr.}, {formal} In most cases; generally; usually. * /In the main, small boys and dogs are good friends./ * /In the main, the pupils did well on the test./ …
7WWF The Main Event — The Main Event was a professional wrestling television series, a spin off of the show WWF Saturday Night s Main Event and occasionally aired on NBC on Friday nights. Only the first three The Main Event episodes were shown live on NBC. The final… …
8To splice the main brace — Splice Splice (spl[imac]s), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spliced} (spl[imac]st); p. pr. & vb. n. {Splicing}.] [D. splitsen, splitten; akin to G. splissen, Sw. splissa, Dan. splisse, and E. split; from the dividing or splitting the ends into separate… …
9Main Street — in Salinas, California For other uses, see Main Street (disambiguation). Main Street is the metonym for a generic street name (and often the official name) of the primary retail street of a village, tow …
10Main chain of the Alps — The Main chain of the Alps. The Alpine divide is the central line of mountains that forms the water divide of the range. Main chains of mountain ranges are traditionally designated in this way, and generally include the highest peaks of a range;… …